the Oldsmobile 5.7 diesel wasn't nearly as bad as you've heard

It’s actually a Pontiac Fiero.

They aren’t grownups, they are media whores.

She had a very realistic gothy/snarky teen appearance and attitude without all the hyper-sexual and emo crap that people in the media like to pile onto the type. It made me very happy indeed.

I cannot tell you how much I appreicate they didn’t go “sexy” or even “waify.”

Pictured: the Nevada state treasurer.

You know that people can hunt animals that are a nuisance to the area’s natural flora and fauna and even eat them (waaaaay more humane than the animals that end up at the grocery store). But hey, I’m sure YOU’VE never done anything that’s had an adverse effect on an animal’s life right? I mean how could you with your

if the owner wants to sue them for the remaining costs of repair, yes the driver could be found liable, but as they say you can’t get blood from a stone, no point in a civil judgment for a few hundred thousand on a guy who can’t pay it.

Hahaha, hey this isn’t for me either. But I’ll always support this segment TRYING to grow or progress. We gotta treat em like a puppy and reward not shitting on the floor.

It’s not “impossible.” EPA has already done on-road testing of Chevy and BMW diesels, and they stay clean on the road. Right now it’s hard to do a clean diesel cheaply. I wish people would stop making excuses for poor widdle VW on how that mean old American government won’t leave them alone.

Motorcycle engines have been revving into well over 10K since the 80's.

There’s no more hateful creature than a large bird. Peacocks sound like women screaming; geese will bite your toddler’s face, and wild turkeys will trap you in your vehicle because the smell of fear amuses them. I don’t think I even have to mention emus and ostriches, which are like winged donkeys plus talons and

They are 100% going to murder you in your sleep. There is already a forged copy of your will leaving your farm to the turkeys.

Speedshop owner “yeah I can get a cage kit from Allstar for ~300 buck”
Hillbilly “shhiiiiieeeeeeeettttttt I can build it cheaper than that, whats the pipe cost” (there is no difference between pipe and tubing in most peoples mind)

Or maybe they try to bundle frequently selected options in order to streamline the manufacturing process and reduce prices to both the company and the consumer all while increasing quality by reducing permutations?

Amen. As a non-uterus haver, I’ve been pro-choice, but watching my wife go through pregnancy with twins and then with another, there is no way to justify forcing someone to go through that process against their will.

Just a clarification, the social stigma DOES exist, the perceived danger may not.

Ditto. Even stranger to me is the popularity of NCIS. I seriously don't know a single person that watches it...actually know several who'd never even heard of it. What the hell is up with that show? Just seems to me like a vehicle for enabling the creepers out there who have a fetish for goth-schoolgirls.

Hell, they store the whole car for free, like my 2014 model 3. It’ll be stored for free for several more years.

nothing is impossible, there are plenty of products that can assist in matte finish care. It’s not like you scrub a shiny car like a dish pan either. I’ll admit being a professional helps, and matte may not be for the novice, but it’s certainly not unmanageable. No, you can’t buff a scratch out, and I’m not saying

I have a friend who was a cop and he always said that Reno 911 was to him the most realistic TV show about police work.