
I've never really done any gardening (other than helping out my parents on rare occasions). Now I have a house with a small garden in the back. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with it (so far, nothing; I've been too busy). The previous owners (I moved in in September) had some vegetables and some flowers.

Founders All Day is my favorite session IPA. And you can get 15-packs of it for pretty cheap!

I have a concert tomorrow evening for the town & gown orchestra I play in. It's a farewell concert for our conductor, who's retiring at the end of the school year after running the college's orchestral program for close to 25 years. We're doing Mahler 1. I'm covering bass drum in the early movements and the 2nd

While we're handing out fuck-yous, how about one for McConnell? The fuckwad completed his year-long shit on the Constitution by pushing through Gorsuch's nomination.

But, but, but… the guy did bad stuff in the past, so that makes it totally okay!

A Blade II screenshot? You could've been more topical and picked something from Passenger 57.

The cast ain't the only thing that's massive.

Oh yeah, I hate them almost as much as I hate piccolo. (-:

Dr. W is simply described as "found in upstate NY"? C'mon, people, it's Wegmans' knock-off version of Dr. Pepper.


The AV Club

But when do we get to the fireworks fucktory?

Frequently invoked the Almighty.

I agree with you - I was just making a Matt Smith / 11 joke. I guess I failed.

The real shame of Utopia is that you only got about 1 minute of Jacobi as the Master.

There's no way that the camp and scenery chewing won't be taken up to 11.

Well at least the Dash buttons graphic isn't seizure-inducing this time.

Think of crotales as much like orchestra bells / glockenspiel, but with a shriller, brassier sound.

This is actually the second time I've played a 2nd timpani part. The other was a Hindemith symphony.

Ah, if I could, I would wear shorts for the majority of May-September. I don't generally wear dresses.