
Holy hell. That's appalling.

This is why I always say Western NY when someone asks where I'm from.

No brand new "Alternative Non-fiction" section?

I just watched the S2 finale the other night. I like the show, and it's cool that it's getting another season, but the open-endedness of the S2 finale would've been fine with me as a series finale.

Mail robot revolution?

Rochester. You?

No one can tell you what the Matrix reboot is. You have to see it for yourself.

2 out of 3 ain't bad

He got it off a plastic cup.

The title sequence music from AHS definitely sets a creepy mood.

Who in the what now?

Yeah, same here. I figure by the time I'm free enough to sit and think and come up with a list, this article will already be a couple days old.

This is a miscarriage of cinematic justice.

Interesting, I had the same.

YOU SHALL NOT PASS… the offering plate without first making a donation.

I did. It opened a new tab.

Yeah, this sucks.

My friends get together at a bar for St Paddy's parade day (back on the 11th), where they play a card game that results in someone having to do an ICB. The card game basically consists of spreading out all 52 cards face down, then go around in a circle flipping one up. If you flip the right card (or wrong card,

Worked, then went to happy hour with a couple guys from work. Was possibly getting hit on by a drunk guy (no thanks) about 20 years older than me (seriously, no thanks) while at said happy hour dive bar.

I have a concert coming up 2 weekends from now. It's been an ordeal getting other percussionists to help (we need at least 4, and could use a fifth). I just found out Monday that one of the 4 we got is backing out, and I've exhausted my list of contacts. Worse than that, I was counting on him to cover a mallet