Joseph F

In the areas where there is a lack of teachers(not sure if you mean physical areas or different types of teaching, but either way), teachers would be highly paid. The only way that wouldn't be the case is if demand for teachers wasn't very high in those areas, and so, even though there may be a low number of people

You explained what? That a job that there's more demand for than there is people willing/able to do can pay a low salary? Because you definitely didn't explain that, and saying that you did is like saying you explained why the earth is flat. You can't explain something that isn't true to begin with.

I'm not trying to be condescending, but I don't really know how else to put this. If you had any basic understanding of economics at all, you'd know that there's no conceivable way there could be more positions open for a particular job than there are people willing/able to do that job without said job paying a lot of

I'm not sure what it is you're accusing me of having lied about, because you seem to acknowledge that there is less demand for teachers than there is supply of people willing/able to be teachers. You just added what you believe to be a reason for the lower demand; cost. I'm sure that that's true. The cost of something

How are women "shunned" into becoming teachers? There's actually more reason to believe that men are shunned into taking higher paying jobs. This is because society puts more pressure on men to be high earners. Men are expected to be the bread winners, and so it's likely that a lot of men choose careers that pay more

I wasn't wrong. The majority of teachers are women.

I actually said that in my first post; not the one where you claimed I made "wild assumptions again." If you were referring back to my very first post, what was the "again" part in reference to? How could I have done it "again" if I hadn't said anything at all prior to that?

Basically what just happened was I had him in checkmate, and he knocked all the pieces off the table and said he didn't want to play anymore.

Please quote one assumption I made in my previous post in which you claim I made "wild assumptions."

Driving a garbage truck pays crap, but the vast majority of garbage truck drivers are still men.

No, that wasn't my point. My point was that the fact that there are fewer male teachers doesn't necessarily mean that men are discriminated against when it comes to teaching jobs. It could just be that fewer men want to be teachers.

It doesn't matter what the industry average is. The industry average isn't necessarily going to be proportionate to every aspect of the industry; in fact, it's almost certainly not going to be. If 40% of people who like music wear glasses, that doesn't necessarily mean that 40% of people who like any particular genre,

How do you know that more women become teachers because teaching is seen as "women's work," and not that teaching is seen as "women's work" because more women become teachers?

I don't know what your opinion that teacher isn't a desirable vocation has to do with my point. The point, since you seem to have missed it, was that the ratio of male to female workers in a particular industry/company being disproportionate (to population, industry average, etc.) does not in and of itself imply

"Though women make up 43 percent of the network’s audience, Adult Swim only has a few streaming series made by women, and that’s frankly bullshit."

If there's any significant difference, it's that Thunderf00t only did it in retaliation to a person doing it to him. It'd be like if someone had punched Thunderf00t and he punched them back, and then you tried to say that Thunderf00t punching the other person was worse somehow.

Genius, the "activism" I was referring to was the one anti-GG people claim to do. So good job calling anti-GGers sexist. I mean that's right, but I don't think you meant to say it.

How was the retaliation any worse than the campaign to get Thunderf00t fired? Both situations were exactly the same. Both were trying to cost the other their job, yet you think Thunderf00t doing it was somehow worse, despite the fact that he only did it in response to the other person trying to get him fired first.

I asked you to give me a single example of any prominent anti-GG person who has ever tried to have a dialogue with anyone who disagreed with them on the matter of alleged sexism in games, and, as I predicted, you were unable to do so. This is because, going back to way before GG was even a thing, none of these people

Good one. I was implying that she was insecure, and your response was basically, "Nuh uh, you are!" What comedy show do you write for?