perhaps the mini-doc / sample doc I made a number of years ago would interest you. It’s not specifically about smash but mango and m2k are in it, as is D1. I apologize for the quality, I was a one man crew working with inferior equipment.
perhaps the mini-doc / sample doc I made a number of years ago would interest you. It’s not specifically about smash but mango and m2k are in it, as is D1. I apologize for the quality, I was a one man crew working with inferior equipment.
Yeah...because aimbotting is analogous to using a tracker for Pokemon...bravo on being an idiot.
Honestly. I don’t even see it as cheating, and it’s certainly not spoiling my enjoyment of the game. If anything, it’s enhancing it! Of course it’s only fair that we use the service while the three step bug is active because, without it, playing the game is absolutely untenable.
Instead of it being an issue with the game how about considering that it’s just human nature. This seems to happen once any game reaches a certain popularity threshold. A certain percentage of the population (mostly the young kids because they are immature little dicks) will always be toxic. It isn't as visible when a…
These look exactly like they were made by the castle crashes guys.
I believe bird Jesus is the name you were looking for.