
The only thing that would make this sweeter is if loan sharks actually came and broke his fucking legs. 

Hard to even call it that. I can’t even make sense of what the little twat is actually trying to say here haha. 

My heart will swell with joy when Trump dies, and I’ll be even happier if his final moments are in agonizing pain. 

That’s hilariously stupid. I hope we get extra mail delivery when Trump dies. 

A fresh burner account with one comment. Sure. 

I never said I didn’t give two shits, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered to comment. And maybe people care about what Gita says because they agree with it and have read past work that they liked? I just think the “dramatic exit” that lots of people do is hilarious. 

Oh I love these! Announcing our grand exit as if the author or the website owners give two shits, are we? That’s cute.

Well...on the plus side I guess folks won’t be sad when the non-existant new car smell doesn’t fade away.

I have to say, many things please me about Hitman 2, but I’m simply blown away by the sound design. All the environment sounds are just as good as you’d expect, but for me the gun sounds and how different they sound in hallways vs small rooms vs outside just pleases the ear :) 

If you mean Hitman 2016, get the legacy pack with Hitman 2, they include all the content of the original but with the new enhancements of Hitman 2. 

I need this game in my ass yesterday!

Same president who says it’s a scary time to be a man re: sexual assault allegations, accuses a reporter of putting his hands on a female clerk when all he did was not let her yank the mic from him. I mean we literally have video of this. 

My current PCP has been great, but if your medical practice offers a way to message specialists you’ve seen directly, absolutely take advantage of it. I’ve been dealing with disk issues in my lower back for the past 3 years and being able to message my PT with updates on pain and for advice has been paramount for me.

Dragqueen ≠ transgender necissarily.

More like ‘Months Gone’ AMIRITE?!?

I’ve always noticed how finding religion is a tell tale sign that someone’s finally cracked mentally. 



When a billionaire dies, 99% of their fortune should be required to be given to charities or at the very least put towards the national debt and the family can have the other 1%. 

^This. When you have more money than you or at least 3-4 generations of your family could ever possibly spend saved up, it’s just hoarding money at that point. 

That speaks more to your taste in opinions than my opinion.