
Oh, do shut up.

Thanks and will do!

OK, to preface, I’ve not finished Twin Peaks (on Season 2 currently), but other than it being a dated 90's show with the likes of Leo etc... is the new series pretty bad in this regard? Just curious...

You lost me at racism towards whites. I am white and there’s literally nothing someone of any color besides white can say that would hurt me.

Beat me to it lol.

A racist asshole vs a wife beating prick. Best case scenario: they beat each other to death and everyone cheers.

Now playing

I can’t stand either fighter, will not be watching the fight, but I am reminded of this:

As an animator, I can confirm this @-@

That is not a human being. Jesus.

Really feels like a return to form for them when it’s about the games, first and foremost, and not the actual technology.

Dammit! Beat me to it!

But can she imitate the atrociously bad fake english accent from the game?

So you can’t engage in the subject so you accuse me of changing the subject and of being ignorant once again as a weak defense for your own lack of understanding. Nice try.

Your comparison to slavery is absurd and you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. You can have your opinion if you want, but that doesn’t make it a well informed one. Also your attempt at calling me sexist against men is laughable. We hold most of the cards here, not the women, so don’t fucking patronize me with that

So I take your answer to mean you lack any of the experience I asked you about before, and in feeling inadequate to address my question you decide to just call me ignorant as a thinly veiled defense. Got it.

Tell us, Mr. Meep, what personal experience do you have with being pregnant and carrying to term and giving birth?

God I know this feeling too well. Bought a 16 prius in October and I’ve already got some clear coat scratches, which, fortunately will come out, but still... I kind of miss my 07 camry with all the hail dings in it and swirls and scratches all over the paint. Every time there was a new scratch, I either didn’t notice

I know this goes without saying and is super obvious, but people texting while driving or even texting at a light. Guess what, moron, you’re still technically “driving” if you’re in a stopped, running vehicle at a red light. Don’t hold everyone up because you need to send your dick pick off!

Guess he couldn’t hang in there for the rest of his life sentence.