
You could look up the availability of Space Invaders Waffles. Actually, this really leads me to wonder about the future of waffle-infused 8-bit nostalgia...

Always wanted to try a game. As if chess wasn't already difficult enough to play against another talented person. Apparently been around since the early 1900s! []

This one still flabbergasts me. Favorite win quotes are anything Sodom from the SF Alpha series says in his hackneyed attempts at speaking Japanese.

Samurai Shodown text never gets old

Good excuse to remind people that the Metroid II remake has had a demo available since October. It is quite awesome and adds Super Metroid layers to the classic layout of Metroid II. Hope the final game comes out sometime soon. []

Ah, yes... this is why I don't keep credit info attached to my accounts. Still, suppose now is a good time to change my passwords. Suppose that's become a sad part of life, login/password management. My suggestion to people who juggle many accounts is to download a password manager, it will save you a lot of time in

That negative edged criticism is common across the board in terms of media talk. It seems like we have such a desire to dislike things, be it music, movies, or books that we spend less and less time enjoying, experiencing, or, heaven forbid, LIKING these things. People just seem drawn to pick things apart to no end.

See, that's the crux of it. I don't mind people not liking something, or disagreeing, or generally having an opinion on a subject. It's when people turn to rage, steam coming from their ears and crap being flung from their hands like some twisted chimp taken straight from the jungle, it gets to be so damn stupid. I

That robot appears to be ready and willing to answer any customer questions.

Now playing

Overused, yes, but I'd like it this way because it's akin to the movie, which was in many ways the precedent setter for the atmosphere of those colors. So much of the sci-fi / horror genre comes from this and The Thing's art style. This is the Alien universe, so I'm all for it being dark and orange. Also plenty of

I suppose that the best attempts of changing attitudes and perceptions in this industry and any other is to work from inside of it. I like all of the posts on Kotaku that challenge the underlying social issues in the gaming community, and that's part of a process of at least putting something in front of eyes that

I think this every time someone glosses over a long form post by saying it was too long to read. It's as though people are losing the ability to engage in critical thinking, listen to an argument, and formulate their own constructive argument without resorting to childish name calling or flippant one-sentence

I agree, what is most important is dealing with the instigators of the action more than those that walk around using a word haphazardly. I still think that it sets an important precedent when a group like Blizzard is willing to bridge a gap of that has bred a great deal of hostility and make amends. It shows a great

I can see where you are going with that, in terms of associating a word with an experience or attaching meaning to what is not more than a symbol. However, to do that on an individual basis of how it harkens back to psychological damage glosses over the overarching theme of a willingness to hurt or a lack of regard

Promoting for the empathic sentiment and ability sympathize across borders, not so much for the hitting people with planks and pipes. Though I'll go out on a limb and assume that was a half-joke.

I had a college friend who dealt with the hostility of living a gay lifestyle in a world that isn't open to it and he'd tell the most horrific tales of growing up in Oklahoma and being constantly harassed when it came to his sexual preference. It changed the guy, he ended up being dark and insular, not trusting

On the money with these sentiments. And as others have said, yes, this extends to a lot of other topics, the basic need to be right or to argue a viewpoint to an extreme without consciously admitting that opinion is just that. People want to be right, but before we go into our actions with hostility and bitterness,

Exactly. I read further through the forum posts and there were a handful of post-event altercations alluded to. I think that it is impossible to expect everyone to act with respect for those around them given that there will always be people willing to act out in profoundly stupid ways, but its important for

I'm not even going to comment on the words used or their political correctness as much as the fact that it was stupid of Blizzard to inadvertently promote violence and anger towards their own players, humorous intention or not. Which brings up this post about a post-event altercation that is mentioned in the thread