
@konaa: I know, even against the Nets that would be difficult. Wait... the Nets... somewhat difficult.

@PillBinge: Aye, that's pretty crappy of them to say. It's one thing to ask for an apology, but to be crass about the whole thing is... ... stupid. Damn watching of the P's and Q's. :P

Not bad numbers for Halo: Reach, considering how FPS games do in Japan and how relatively few 360s have been sold there.

Wasn't all that offensive. At the same time, when the MW2 F.A.G.S. ad was put up, that was something awful: an advertisement for a product willing to use a strongly offensive word for quick and shallow humor to sell a product. What's at the heart of both, though, is time and place. Should we all censor ourselves

@zeenit: Yes indeed, thanks to that same Kotaku post you linked to. Threadless, ShirtWOOT, and Teextile are all great places to keep an eye on for this stuff.

@Ashkental: See zeenit's post below. Can't find it on there either, they do a lot of limited runs. It was that good!

@zeenit: Heh, I have that T-Shirt. Another great take on the concept. I feel most sorry for the Goomba having to witness the deaths of Space Invader and Pac Ghost before his own gruesome execution.

THAT... IS...... AWESOME!! ;_;

Yes! Rambi was my favorite of the animals from the first DKC. Although part of me always hoped Stampy would make an appearance someday.

Wall-E was great, and I could see where that would be a good aim in concept of execution what with the lack of much dialogue for much of the film. However, in Wall-E there was a lot happening in terms of character interaction and events. Shadow of the Colossus was amazing, but was mostly temple - travel through a

You know you're a dork when you oggle the girl for all of ten seconds, then look at the TV and think, "Contra, hell yeah!"

Any opportunity for people to play this game is good in my book. Probably would be the best thing on DSiware anywho... it's almost the best thing available on WiiWare!

@Cotes: I agree. Shadow of the Colossus was a story of few words, told through your actions. A lot of games play out that way, but few seem to have the level of focus and power with visuals under such a simple premise. Why make a movie out of this? Something like Final Fantasy I could see being made into a good movie,

Dear Bungie,

Sony seems to have gotten mighty good at ignoring the elephant in the room. Wonder if they've put any thought into how long they can go without saying anything about future portable plans before that elephant crushes their legs from under them? Or at least an iPhone-based game depicting such goes on sale for 99

Character design looks incredible. It'll be cool to see how a non-campy storyline driven Castlevania will play out, but this makes me very optimistic.

Maybe if it was a standalone movie that didn't have any of it's material in a game that is available for purchase. If it was just the cutscenes from a game taken out of the game and fashioned into a movie? HELL NO. In fact, there are games out already where you can finish the game and play every cutscene from it back

@Covenant: I have a fairly elaborate vocabulary myself, full of thought-provoking language. However, I can think of two words that would sum up this idea on Kotick's part: DICK MOVE.

@reginald: Chop, turn, and haunt it!