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Probably just trying to reunite with his human:

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

Or carry some rope, some biners and a descender  in your ski pack...

The correct answer is to land on the person who just jumped before you.

Or in 2018!


Confession time: sometimes I’ll tailgate someone on the highway who’s chugging along in the left lane for miles at 55mph. For some reason, I find it more polite than honking (though I’ve been tempted to do both).

This is usually the only reason I ever tailgate (the other 3.5% of the time is some idiot in the passing lane and NOT PASSING).

I drove my friends BMW and used the turn signals.

You’re all dumb. Torque doesn’t make the car move, it simply pushes the earth back.

I am almost 100% certain it’s a VW Jetta. My neighbor owns one and it looks pretty much identical. The taillights, headlights, wheels, overall shape and chrome window trim are a dead giveaway.

Looks like a 2007-2011 Camry to me. The rear lights match up, and you can see the chrome Toyota logo above the rear license plate. They are also available with the chrome strip along the bottom of the side windows.

Remove those stickers and it quickly becomes a 143hp DX.

It was a misunderstanding.

That’s one Tesla owner who managed to keep his head.

Turned the phone horizontally?

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He’s got a brother who’s into trains.

That’s why I do most of my travel with Bing Streetside.

Stupid never sleeps.