
Thanks for writing this. The prequels don't need defending, though, really. They are what they are. If you like them, it doesn't make you an idiot, and if you disregard them, it doesn't make you any smarter.

Okay, wow. That's one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. You realize he created all of this? He's a visionary filmmaker and a visual genius. His talent is lacking in scriptwriting and directing but calling him untalented? Wow, that's just wrong.

Choirgirl Hotel is probably my favorite album of hers besides Little Earthquakes. I mean, I love songs here and there from all of her albums, and they're all essential in their own way.

People cope with life in different ways. If it pleases her emotionally, then that is empowering.

This. I'm a longtime Tool fan, myself, but have always seen the humor and tongue-in-cheek approach to what they do. Tool has technical music and all but they do practically everything with a hint of sarcasm. They're just four guys makin' music, not gods. Well, Danny Carey might be… He's probably the most impressive

You make a great point, but you also have to consider that there ARE people who might just be coming of an age that they are exploring movies in greater depth (as we all once were) and might not quite have made it to that one yet. We're not ALL old fogies on here, ya know. I'd hate to be a youngin' with a movie on my

Maybe it's the fan of giant mecha in me, but I actually enjoyed Pacific Rim a lot more than Gravity, and found the battle scenes totally jaw dropping. Everything felt like it had real weight, and the designs of everything had real personality.

It did. I honestly couldn't have imagined seeing it in 2D and being as thrilled.

It was fantastic, wasn't it?

I thought Cuaron's Children of Men was more deserving of a best picture nomination than Gravity, and I love Gravity. I don't think Gravity has a chance, but I didn't think Crash had a chance, either…

See, that's exactly what gets me the most about this whole situation. He's the only one still IN the band, he spent all those years making and finally releasing Chinese Democracy, even touring in support of it as "Guns 'n' Roses", and now he wants to act like he's not in the band to the point he doesn't even want to