Joey Pancetta

That answer doesn’t fly. Have you ever watched soccer? It is unwatchable for all the feigned injuries. Every time I see I match and watch the drama of a guy who never even got hit, pretend he did, and rolls around crying on the ground. Regular sports corner the market on this crap.

This article’s title, even with the current update to the title is misleading AF. And is terrible reporting. I expect better from Kotaku.

This was amazing, thanks. Was never gonna play Primal, but I am glad I saw this.

I wouldn’t recommend spreeing them. They get very samey very quickly. But playing them as little pallet cleansers in between other games is great.

Hey man, no worries. I never took for anything but stuffing around. Key difference between you and an actual ass, you didn’t throw a personal insult at me. Ha ha.

But yeah it was pleasant looking things up so that I wasn’t talking out of my... ass.

Nich, dude! How do you always find these guys? Whenever I search on your comments, you’ve got some neanderthal trash tier profile wound up to implosion. I mean this guy he’s so upset that everyone is disagreeing with him, he had to respond to your obvious “reverse psychology” bait. Classic.

It’s always the

Just a random point: you may not, you are in the minority of gamers over all. With League having over 67 million players in it’s lifetime, Dota 2 has 13 million active players every month and Overwatch at 10 million. That’s a really sizable chunk of the world console/pc gaming community. Enough to say that even if you

Why are people giving you such a hard time about Overwatch? I don’t even play the game and I don’t care. It was a great example.

Counter-counterpoint: But if you’ve played League or Dota, you know Blutzcrank or Pudge, so you know Roadhog. And when talking about that you are now safer to assume more people are in the know. Given that those three games combined have an astronomical amount of players.

I’m so with you. Borrowed a PS4 toplay The Last of Us. Brilliant game. But my hands took a beating on those cramped controllers. I’m too used to the comfort and space afforded me by the 360 controller. Even the Steam controller which I am currently in love with is far superior in comfort than the DS4. In my opinion,

Pity they’re using Unity. Firewatch and Gone Home brought my otherwise very capable pc (Far Cry 4 on between high and Ultra) to a big slow. And they were stylised games. This must need a beast pc to run on and look that good.

But look who must have the last word, it mr john again, dredging at the most bottom of the barrel. A real champion of the worst of internet commentors.

Good on you man. I can say what a job on taking the high road there, keeping it civil. He didn’t have much else to ad. Based on his insult technique he’s probably as bad as arguing as I am. Lol.

But I don’t think I’ve had such a strong reaction to a person on the internet in a while. I was fully invested in that

There I was reading this discussion between Mr John and Nick through this really long and interesting thread. The whole time thinking unlike the rest of the replies in this particular expanded thread, here were two guys with some similar viewpoints and some different having an amicable and informative discussion. A

Well an important distinction to make about the damage of lending vs torrenting is this: Basically these days you can’t lend pc games. You actually only have one of those two options.

There is a speed bump at the start of my block and at the end. All that happens is people slow down at the first bump over rev their cars to gain speed and stop at the second bump. Rinse repeat as they carry on down the street and its honestly louder.