You SAY that, but Karen - fucking Karen! - from Accounting......
You SAY that, but Karen - fucking Karen! - from Accounting......
I doubt that an accurate portrayal is possible, too. Diana was only 20 when she married Charles. As a partner, he treated her badly from the beginning. She didn’t take it gracefully like the Diana we tend to remember from her late 20s/30s. She was 20. She matured into a lovely person, but I don’t think the growing…
I doubt an accurate portrayal of this marriage is even possible. Now that the Queen got all nice and tolerant about who she “allows” in her family, no one will want to bring up how awful she and Phillip were to Diana. Charles wiped the slate clean by donating to charity and not cheating on this wife. Diana is…
I was just coming here to say exactly that. What you not gone do is put your finger in the face of a middle-aged black woman and expect no repercussions. MKay? You lucky Whoopi rich and like her monies.
Shit. I’m white and I would have come across the table and yanked that beef jerky bitch out of her chair by her raggedy hair for a little throw around. Screaming over my attempts to redirect the conversation back to what your shifty book peddling ass was supposed to be on the show for? After you single me out for some…
I knew it was over for Jeanine when Whoopi asked “Did you just point at me?”
Meghan sucks so bad on many levels. But in this instance, how you gonna apologize to the person who was berating your coworkers? Have an ounce of decency and loyalty, ho. Damn.
Not only put her finger in the face of a black woman, but also called her deranged and disordered for pointing out facts, for stating the truth about reality.
There is nothing messy about it. Pirro put her hand in the face of a black woman. She’s lucky to be breathing. Pirro is the 53% of Becky’s that think they get to lecture people of color regardless of gender on how to live and act. Fuck that fugly bitch and anyone down with her.
What upsets me, is that they haven’t done the same to Meghan. She needs to go! First, for having parents who put an unnecessary “h” in her name. Second, for being a right-wing apologist on MWF and so-called progressive-traditional conservative (WTH is that?!) on TuTh. The Pirro’s of the world are NOT the problem.…
I was most offended by Mika stating it was wrong to criticize a mother. GROSS.
Exactly. Had it been as inappropriate as they’re making out, it would so so whether or not she had 20 kids or 0. She has an identity beyond who she married or birthed.
Also as if her marriage or children mean she is above criticism somehow. It’s pathetic but also the joke Michelle made about Mike likely pissed her off.
“...Fuck that noise. Her skills as a wife and mother weren’t being discussed.” Yes, as if it would be ok to comment on the cosmetics an unmarried non-mother uses? Seriously, this whole thing has me scratching my head. PS-I thought both jokes were funny, and Michelle could have gone a lot further!!!
That’s what I don’t get-why is what Trump says OK? Plus, those were two funny jokes. Seriously, SHS always looks to me like she’s all set to go clubbing after work.
“Watching a wife and mother be humiliated on national television for her looks is deplorable ... All women have a duty to unite when these attacks happen and the WHCA owes Sarah an apology.”
FUCKING PREACH. Do these journalists not read the stories they write? How were they expecting a comedian to respond to an administration that is explicitly racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and anti-women? Michelle Wolf gave a biting critique not only of an awful regime but also of the media personalities who enabled…
There is a lot of gross implications in what Mika said. It sounds like if a woman does what society expects they will be protected. Frankly, if that is the case it doesn’t apply to all women who are wives and mothers.