Mr. Orlando

Poor Brett Woodard, not only a victim of the war, but of the regional racism of the time, and further alienation that will probably result in him snapping.

I think what really makes this episode work for me — besides all the unraveling of the case and the uncovering of further clues — was the coup de grâce of seeing Hayes and Roland getting the band back together in 1990 to end the episode.

It would be quite bizarre if Lucy’s body were in that bag, since we already know her prints turn up ten years later. I’m assuming weaponry in there plays a part in the 1980 investigation getting FUBAR.

Yeah, I wouldn’t say that it’s completely beside the point, but I’ve always thought that for season 1 and this season it looks like, the procedural crime mystery isn’t the main mystery. It’s more about exploring this connection of memory, time, and self-identity, and what it would feel like for that to start coming

Ahh, this is where many get frustrated with the True Detective series because, it is a procedural, it can be creepy and lurid, but a procedural. But I have to differ with Emily’s take on the children and omissions.

yup force awakens was also bad.

Who hurt you?

I would wait until Episode 9 before I made any deals with J.J.

I agree. I rewatched it a couple years ago and didn’t realize I was watching the director’s cut instead of the original and I was like “what the fuck is this?” I don’t remember half this movie and it sucks compared to what I had thought.

The directors cut makes the film so much worse because it tries to explain itself and just makes the film even more incoherent in the process 

Also a young Seth Rogen is in it as one of the bullies.

Oh, please, tell me, Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fuck?” ~ Zen koan

After listening to the Director’s commentary I can say without question it’s all style, the plot makes zero sense with Kelly’s explanation.  What style though!

I’ll always have a special place in my heart for both Donnie Darko and Secretary for introducing Maggie Gyllenhaal to the world.

Hello fellow gamers! It’s my first post of 2019 as the late fall and holidays were super busy to end 2018. I plan to take part on this weekly thread more often this year.


We have the technology. We can make him better, than he was.

Checks out.

I’ll bet you didn’t know The Bigfoot is a proud alumnus of The Ohio State University.

I get killing Hitler, but what did poor Bigfoot do to anyone?