Mr. Orlando

No snark for you!

I think it’s still a valid point since they actually thought reviewing Charmed was something they should do.

Let me spare you the trouble.

Klingons.... lots of Klingons.

I’ve always been a big Fuller fan, but I have to admit his turbulent style of running things and leaving series prematurely had started to wear.

Way to miss the forest for the trees.

Taste is completely subjective. What’s not are the facts the article articulates specifically. It doesn’t mean you can’t like what you like.

No one said there wasn’t a bunch of crap in the “golden era”, just more good stuff.

That article is so true. My job has me in contact with lots of people between the ages of 20-35, and most can’t stand today’s new music releases outside a few artists or single outliers.

Agreed. I’ll go so far as to say it rivaled any scene with McConaughey and Harrelson in season 1. It was that good.

I’m not saying it would be great or that Johnson is the choice, but it would be better I’d bet than franchise killer, J.J. Abrams.

Also - The Force Awakens sucks way worse and set up Last Jedi to never be as good as it could have been. Disney should have grown a pair and given Rian Johnson the trilogy and I’d be willing to bet we’d have three better movies.

There’s a crappy version of that that’s already been done called Prometheus.

Well said!

Exactly. No artist wants to go from Super Bowl to county fairs after playing with the blandest act in mainstream music.

Ubisoft makes it’s share of mistakes but damn if they haven’t really turned it around the last five years or so. I used to hate on them so much but between Assassin’s Creed, Rainbow 6, Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Far Cry, The Division, Mario + Rabbids, just to name a few, it’s been an incredible run for a AAA

Wait till R2-D2 shows up in Avengers 6.

That type of thoughtfulness and civility has no place here sir!

It’s too bad that Cameron didn’t come back for Terminator Salvation.

Well give the man a hand!