
How can an interview be "rare?" Maybe "obscure" would be a better word.

Mentioning Anna Karenina without saying who the translators are feels a bit odd. There are at least three major English versions of the novel.

Absolutely one of the best live shows you can go to, after maybe Screaming Females in terms of people who are consistently out there on the road. Despite the heavy touring load (I've seen them maybe eight times in the last few years), they just seem to have a blast playing music together. And it's fuckin' loud, too.

I could've sworn there was already a sequel to this.

Supercop was fairly seminal for me as an action movie (and I still have a soft spot for Rumble in the Bronx). I don't know if anything will ever top the awkward comedy meter quite like Tom Jones' cover of Kung Fu Fighting over the outtakes, though.

Did he get better after that first special that was on Netflix? It seemed like a bunch of "South Africans talk like this, but Americans talk like this!" low-hanging fruit.

I'm sure it was mentioned somewhere already, but David Foster Wallace's E Unibus Pluram is a good long essay about television:

"Where's the girl?" from Spartan is another fun one.

I really dug Why Not Me?, his book about running for president on a campaign dedicated to abolishing ATM fees. Kind of a weird joke to extend out to book length, but he's funny enough to make it work.

Worst song on a really good album. Just all treble and jangle. According to Wikipedia, Jack and Meg White performed on it?

They're gonna have to tone down a lot of this to make it fit on basic cable, even considering what's been going on on AMC the last decade or so. Hopefully they can keep most of the silly violence and lose most of the "homosexuals are HI-larious and man-on-man rape is a good punchline!" stuff. I re-read most of this

I always just kind of wished that David Boreanaz was a better actor when I was watching these. In one of the commentaries, Whedon says that Boreanaz was amazing when he was told to act petulant or peeved, and that's true, but for a lot of the more human stuff he was stiff as a board. But the supporting cast

Whenever I think about Michael I always think about the Achewood eulogy:… Shamelessly linking to my FB page since it seems to have disappeared from the site itself.

This band has an almost frightening level of intensity in their live shows for people who tour at a pace that would absolutely destroy me if I attempted it. Saw them Saturday; they were fantastic as usual. Definitely a band I recommend people see even if they're not into punk.

It can be relatively inconsistent. David Cross' "I Drink For A Reason" was somewhat difficult to even read, let alone appreciate, but Patton Oswalt's "Zombie Spaceship Wasteland" was sincere enough to consistently enjoy. It's tough to translate audible comedy to book form.

Also, I don't think the music in The Mist's clip above was in the original film. Just guessing, though.

I get woefully, morbidly sentimental at scenes of noble self-sacrifice, for some reason. The most embarrassing tears I think I've ever shed at a film is probably, of all fucking things, Air Force One, when the pilot of the jet decides to intercept the missile that's going to shoot down the President's plane by flying

I've always found Pidgeon to be the weakest link in Mamet's movies. There's something in her delivery that makes it sound like she thinks she's in a stage play despite the presence of cameras; she always appears to be performing rather than acting.

All Girl Summer Fun Band - Theme Song. OK.

I saw them on the Frame and Canvas tour last year. Played through the whole album all the way through and everyone was wondering what they were going to follow up with. Damn near cried when I heard the first few notes of Forever Got Shorter; that's an all-time classic "lady, I like you" mixtape track for me. Guess