“with flawed logic about things”
“with flawed logic about things”
We’ll update this post if we figure out what the hell’s going on.
Rebellion. The second best privateer racing team in the world. Now back at LMP1 where they belong. Before 2013 they might have had a shot with the R-One, that’s how good I reckon they are.
What’s stupid is that car makers are fully capable of meeting the efficiency standards. Engines have become vastly more efficient over the decades. But instead of that translating to gains in mpg, it translates to gains in horsepower while mpg remains stagnant. Instead of stuffing another 100hp into a Ford family…
What about that bar literally right next to the drivers head? With the flimsy padding on it...that hardly seems safe.
Wearing a facemask because smog.
Not to be that guy (but totally being that guy), since it’s a rally car it was never not road legal, all rally cars are required to be road legal. I can even tell you this car’s original license plate number: R30 WRC
Looks like they removed the roll cage from the shell to and he had to add it back in or that he had some of the bars removed. It’s probably better this way, a cage on a road car can kill you if you’re not wearing a helmet. In particular the bar that normally goes across the top of the windshield frame is problematic.…
He was doing 150 in a Mustang on a perfectly straight road, and managed to escape instead of suddenly veering to the right and mowing down a crowd of people. He’s got to at least be in the top 10-15% of Mustang drivers in terms of skill.
And this trooper knows what level of driving skills this Mustang driver has HOW??? It’s quite possible that this driver can drive circles around these troopers.
And real, actual buttons to press for air conditioning functions... I mean honestly, who needs tactile feedback?
In europe, banks issue the pin codes and won’t let users change them. Problem solved
I had it happen a few times on a trip to the UK. One of my cards didn’t support chip and pin at the time, if I recall, so I had to swipe it through the mag-strip reader. Every time I did that, the merchant was careful to check and compare the signature I wrote on the receipt with the one on the back of my card. And I…
I don’t see why we don’t use the European chip+ PIN model. Seems like it would be the best of both worlds re: security.
Hell in the Wild West most towns banned firearms. Mostly without incident.
A life over a beer. One beer. So now he’s taken the kid’s life, saddened a family’s life and ruined his own. Really thought that through there. What happened to “hey, stop!”, then you know, let it go. Go tell his family if it really upsets you. DON’T SHOOT HIM IN THE BACK AND WALK AWAY FOR HIM TO BE FOUND DAYS LATER.…
Did I unwittingly enter some alternate reality/time machine where I was transported back to the Wild Wild West? Where people (mainly black) can be shot in the street by anyone and there is not even a second thought as to the outcome of the potential death of the person? Leave them in the street like garbage to be…
The US is lagging in that area, in other developed countries it’s rare not to see tap-to-pay.
Just another day at the office for Zlatan.