Mr Ordinary

The one black cop near the top, next to the truck bed, is the best part. He’s not about to kick this white dude on camera, but he’s not about to try to pull these other cops off of him either. Guy’s just playing out the clock and trying to avoid any misunderstandings.

He was reaching for my gun!

I believe the new appropriate response is “I was scared for my life!!!!”

He’ll serve an extra 5 years for breaking all those batons.

He’ll respawn at the hospital in a few anyway.

Definitely agree with this. There are a lot of things in life we don’t just “get over”. Instead we get on with life and “move on”. I have realised there are some very rude people and immature people in life who deliberately ignore or hurt others. Karma always comes back on them. I go raise my pint class to them. It’s

Great question. I served as a Navy Officer and I can tell you that we never sailed without our AIS computer on, even though we did not broadcast. It gives a fairly accurate CPA for all vessels around us. Unfortunately the major issue here is that captains must be briefed on contacts with a close CPA. If their standing

Sure the Brits chase wheels of cheese, but we Americans have Barbie Jeep racing.

I’m in Reading UK at this moment for a rowing thing. When I saw this my wife said “So this is just like being home  in Philadelphia...ppl get hit by buses all the time.”

To add apparently the man in question was from Liverpool and down in London for the weekend. He took his pint with him because the price of beer in London is so expensive (compared to Liverpool) and didn’t want to waste any

Definitely a cultural thing. If this happened in America, the guy would be laying there with several people filming on their phones, while someone from the bar calls 911. Attorneys would be calling this guy, telling him while he isn’t hurting now, he has underlying injuries that need to be documented. Letting him know

Keep calm and carry on in action there.

“sir it would appear that your ale has spilled...

It’s probably this man from Manchester:

I like how he transitioned from being hit, to going straight to the pub.

Tis but a scratch!

Followed by a stiff drink no doubt.

Stone Cold Man Walks into Bar, Gets Warm Beer

Stiff upper lip! And after being hit by a bus, probably a stiff upper back too

Beautiful. The Brits have the whole “resolve” thing down to a science.