Mr Ordinary

It’s deliberate. That way you don’t need to keep the AC on to stay above freezing in the British winter.

Was going to say the same thing. Super English, this. I’ve never been a fan of two-tone interiors.

This is British af. They have to get hot after sitting in them awhile. Right?

We throw up houses right and left anywhere there’s available land. Including the sides of mountains, which always gets exciting when the soil gets a bit too wet or there is an earthquake... Building lots of houses fast encourages the cheap, fast construction methods.

Most of that masonry is older than ‘Murica...

Came here to point out just that! The nose of the car is barely scratched!

To be fair, that wall is probably older than the US.

more like

I give a 10 for clean entry.

70 odd years on and there are still German projectiles damaging factories.

Clean entry and very little splash. 9/10.

Except, you know, popping bubble wrap isn’t illegal or a danger to others.

For what it’s worth, the Renault guy demoed chin ups while Matt did pull ups. Chin ups are easier because more muscles are involved. Pull ups are almost entirely a back excersize, utilizing a lot of forearm muscles for grip strength. Chin ups get to use the bicep instead of the forearm for stability so it’s way easier

Is this the plot to the next Fast and Furious movie? Dom and crew turn into pirates and hijack the ships to prevent them from falling into enemy hands, then The Rock shows up for no reason and they drive cars from end to end at WOT, but it still takes 37 minutes?

So, enough gasoline for a trip to the Kroger and back in a Dodge Demon?

Salaries, stuff being made in the US costs more, etc. The cost for the Chinese or Russians to pay and equip a division is going to be less than the US, so just comparing the amount of money spent isn’t that great of a metric.

To avoid confusion, here is a PSA:

This was beautiful.