But then keep in mind 2007 was his first year driving in Formula 1. How many rookies have done that well?
But then keep in mind 2007 was his first year driving in Formula 1. How many rookies have done that well?
I know he didn’t 07, but runner up is pretty impressive. But now I’m done with you, no sense in trying to talk to guys blinded by unnecessary hate.
You ever watch 07 or 08? Or is your Hamilton hate just so big you don’t recognize talent?
This is what happens when you put a great driver in the most dominant car in 30-years.
Most trucks on the road don’t have these kinds of systems.
Yes but increase speed exponentially increases stopping distances. If you want to play that game, speed differentials don’t kill, the inability to stop or slow down before that speed differential turns the distance into zero kills (which, bear in mind, can always exist in the real world - whether it’s from an…
the safety is in the stopping distance of 65 mph vs. 75 mph.
It’s not stopping the truck that counts...it’s braking gently enough to stop the trailer and load...Get that wrong, and your heavy load is going to shoot right out the front of that trailer...Or more likely, jacknife it and creat a 3 lane accident from a single laner
the article....
Well the Brits already do it and it seems to work out for them, though to be fair they always complain about being stuck behind them and they have this insane fetish with calling them “lorries” so maybe they’re not the best source for facts.
Might want to try reading the article.
Can James still be referred to as Captain Slow?
Drooooool.....RB5....one of my top three Subies of all time (22B, and the P1 being the others). I’m more partial to the RB5 though because of the extra doors. Any pics?
Haha, considering this, I can see that happening! Everyone gets the pre-approved Team GB ribbon! Nothing could go wrong
Just be a good American (assumption, here) and laugh at them like you’re supposed to.
what if they all use red ribbons? for britain!
The crash site is a long way from where the TtR guy lives. It is possible, but I’m sure there are plenty of F50s in the UK.
It’s also worth noting that the only thing that’s hit yet is the share market uncertainty. Concrete impacts - such as the damage to trade ties with the EU - haven’t materialised yet, and won’t for some years.
I love your reply and was one of the things i said when Remain voters were having their say. It’s not like countries will want to give an embargo to one of the biggest economic countries in the world right next to them. Things will be more expensive, but if more people in the long run have jobs then it’s a great deal.
That’s amazing considering it’s a sealed automatic unit.