Mr Ordinary

Gosh, we were within spitting distance of each other about a decade ago.

I remember people saying that Britain would never vote to leave, that Labour would win the last General Election, and, to go back to the first post you made in this thread, people said over and over again that Donald Trump would never become the

Well, if Marine le Penne, Geert Wilders and many other regional parties get their way, the EU may look significantly different in a few years time. This has changed more than just Britain. It would be difficult for Germany to cheaply buy things from France if they left too, and polls show that if a referendum was

It’s a shame that you have so little faith in the people who once had enough drive and willingness to take risks that paid off that they built the largest Empire that the world has ever seen, for better and for worse.

I’ve lived in various parts of that former Empire. I was born in Australia, raised in Hong Kong. I’m

The goalposts have shifted on the EU repeatedly since either country joined. It’s perfectly acceptable to renegotiate an arrangement when the terms of that arrangement have changed.

There’s no doubt that Britain will have to restructure its economy and how it behaves on the international stage to operate outside of the

Tell the people of Greece that the EU is a wonderful, caring place.

I’m genuinely sorry to hear that you have such a detailed plan for how everything’s going to go hideously wrong in the world from now on. I guess we’ll have to wait and see as to how much of it comes true. Gosh, you have to wonder how any country

You’re stuck in the mindset that leaving is suicide. It’s such a shame that you don’t even realise how twisted and pessimistic an outlook that is.

Perhaps ‘authoritarian’ was the wrong word to use, although as I am a student of history, I wonder if you’re aware that there are more shades to authority than ‘send

Yeah, I too was horrified to learn that 48% of the British electorate are so terribly uneducated, fearful, self-hating and lacking in self-worth and ambition that they think that the only way to survive in the world is to stay shackled to a failing, undemocratic, authoritarian regime.

Sidecars..........whatever floats your boat.

Now playing

The go home to your sexy wives chant had me in tears. The british did a similar thing with some Swedish fans a few years ago yelling “you’re shit, but your birds are fit” instead. Get out your british phrase book if you can’t work out what that means, but it’s hilarious

I’d trade-in 75% of my relatives for this. My god...what a beauty.

Sorry guys, I want to READ your thoughts on cars silently at my desk, not listen to them in some shitty video clip.

“Joey is into cars. Probably more so than any of the other hosts. Definitely more than the Screaming Man.”

How so????

More than.....................

Sabine - Lived her life at “The Ring”
Eddie Jordan - Spent 20 Years in F1
Harris - Car Journalist
Reid - Less famous Car Journalist
Evans - Connecting with cars for 25+ years,

If by helped us out you mean built the car. You’re welcome, by the way.

Mustang: Slow down little bro, you stay in the playground with your foreign friends, when you get back home we’ll go get some coffee!

it just wants to join in with hitting pedestrians like his mustang brothers.

Man, Harris is on a quest of world domination.

+ We get The Grand Tour in a few months. As a car enthusiast/Top Gear fan, I’m really quite floored with the way everything worked out.

Harris on the internet again.

Are you serious? Do you think that people get added to terror watch lists for simply being brown? Did you NOT see how the last massacre could have been obviously avoided if this law was in effect when he went to purchase his death device, since he WAS on the watch list?

It’s a teenie, tiny step....