Hahaha I love Ronspeak
Hahaha I love Ronspeak
Ron didn’t say that, he probably went with something along the ines of:
I’ve never been a huge McLaren fan, although never a hater either. However, I am subscribed to their youtube channel because of the amazing content they continue to put out. I just love these historical videos. No crazy editing, thumping music, or cheesy dialog; just a wonderful remembrance of historical achievements…
“17 of the 16 contestants went to the N.I.H.”
Similar to Japan driving on the left because of the sword, we in Britain drive on the left, because originally coach men, etc... were right hand dominant and would have their sword and later their pistol on the left to defend themselves from highway men. Most horse teams were of only two side by side so a whip would…
Don’t tell the mugs..... News Corp own The Sun, and also The Times who Clarkson writes for.
Shhh stop talking common sense.
Yes Evans does have likability, talent and a passion for cars.
1. Clarkson NEVER got a FREE pass, he got fired.
2. Evans is a MASSIVE star in the UK, and was long before Clarkson.
Don’t forget The Sun is owned by News Corp. Clarkson writes for The Times (owned by News Corp) he is also mates with Rebekah Brooks. But it shows the low level of journalism of Jalopnik, when they quote The Sun over and over as a legitimate source. But why have Jalopnik got it in for Evans? Yes he may grate on some in…
“Okay, let’s be honest, the truth is probably somewhere in between the rumored extremes.”
Reminds me of these douches, except one of them got his
Unless he is a convicted child molester, he is in no way even CLOSE to Jimmy Saville. Not even the same planet.
Go the fuck away with your shit!
Mr. Ballaban, advocating for reading an article based on, well let’s grant it that status then, “article” from The Sun is nothing short of criminal.
So you post an image of a child molester. That’s real fucking low.
ABSOLUTELY no need for that comparison. Jesus.
Please read the article, then comment. Please. Always, please. Please.