Ah, you’re right. I shouldn’t post this stuff because some of you might have seen it already. Fuck everybody else who hasn’t and comes here to see this stuff, it’s all about you. My bad for saving this for a few days so I could have something to post on days I’m working on longer stories.
Well in the UK Chris Evans is a massive star/success. Cleary you know little about the UK media too comment on this British show. How do you know Chris Evans knows “jack shit about cars” is this from your superpowers? What is factual is he owns some very special cars, which you will never get to drive or own, but you…
Funny so many Yanks comment of British personalities, like they know anything about them.
Thing is Chris Evans is also TV celebrity. I don’t think people in the US can understand this.
Thing is why would a British TV show care about how famous the host is from a US perspective?
He’s an incredibly successful maker of TV & Radio - midas touch kind of thing and has been for 25 years +
Because you’ve not heard of Chris Evans? WTF? If you actually did any research on him you’d find that in the UK (where Top Gear actually comes from) Evans is three things predominantly. 1) A polarising figure - this is his thing and always has been. 2) A car man and 3) One of the most accomplished program makers and…
A massive TV and Radio host with huge success in presenting shows. Who is Matt again??? Matt le blanc maybe entertaining as Joey, but he is FAR from experienced, unlike Evans. So when you say "who" look into this before opening your cake hole.
How many successful TV and Radio shows has Joey hosted? Answers on a back of a stamp. Evans is established and Joey will tow the line, and play the part.
Chris Evans is a HUGE name in the UK and a well established TV and Radio presenter, Matt Le Blanc is NOT, and only known a Joey from Friends. Since when has “good driving” got to do with Top Gear, with most of the last presenters being far from good drivers. Evans has far more on offer than Joey.
Isn’t it funny how quick people are to judge. I am pretty sure that they had never heard of Clarkson before Top Gear. You are right about Evans. He is more famous than Clarkson and Leblanc combined. That is not necessarily a good thing but we should just wait and see how it plays out. The BBC is good at what it does.
He’s a good presenter. Matt is interesting and cool, but as a presenter Chris is superior in my opinion.
It always amuses me when I read comments on these stories, how easily and openly people will hate and dismiss Chris Evans without even knowing who he is or what he’s done. These people even use their own ignorance of not knowing who he is as reason.
That’s probably because you don’t live in England. He basically is BBC Radio 2. Seriously, he was the highest paid entertainer in the U.K. at one point. It’s just that being a local radio celebrity generally doesn’t translate across borders.
Hmm, (of course pending any of this controversy being true) maybe Evan’s wasn’t the best choice?
In a few years? That interior already looks like absolute gahbage.
Most interesting. Yet this guy obviously has a few issues.
I liked him for the pure comedy of the VW stunt (politics of it - don't care). I infinitely like him more now that I know he's trolled Kanye.