Oh sure...make fun of the Brits for wearing safety gear while actually working, but don’t mention the hated reflective PT belt worn by every US soldier every day when exercising...
Oh sure...make fun of the Brits for wearing safety gear while actually working, but don’t mention the hated reflective PT belt worn by every US soldier every day when exercising...
Surprising until you remember that paying a relatively small amount to a non-American company won’t do anything to pad out the DoD budgets or stuff pork in a congressman’s pet company. Then it makes sense. Now if we could spend $128million per unit for a machine designed in North Dakota, tested in Florida, pre…
The UK invented the mine clearing line charge with some being used in the later stages of WW2. They were very dangerous in the early days however, being hoses that were pumped with Nitro Glycerine once the hose was laid. One prematurely detonated and caused over 60 deaths. Giant Viper was the version in use for…
The Cold War started again when the Russians annihilated the Georgian Military in two weeks when the US and Israel were training and arming Georgia to be a Vietnam for the Russians.
How can you annex something that was always yours in the first place and “given” to Ukraine by a guy born 11 km from Ukraine (Kruschev)?
Turkey is already bombing the Kurds again around Aleppo and IMO ought to be kicked out of NATO. Saudi Arabia supports extremist scum. The US calls both Turkey and Saudi Arabia “allies” and has had a habit of stabbing Kurds in the back since the first Gulf War. Russia is supposed to be a scare crow in Europe but in…
Heck, visit Surrey in early July, and you can celebrate Independence Day with my half American, half British cousins, which just seems misguided and confused.
Have you ever actually been to Britain??
What a post! COTD.
They have actually been experiencing strong economic growth for past years.
The fool shouts loudly, thinking to impress the world.
The offer from a previous post still stands. Come to the UK and I’ll give you a tour of the house of the one person who has a job here. Obviously we’ll still need my ex-airforce buddies for protection because, you know, Muslim no-go zones but, hey, I’m sure we can manage it without you getting shot or drinking…
After a jump like that your ass might freeze your assets, your legs will declare an embargo while your sphincter will be placed under international sanctions.
Russia has been putting stuff (and even Americans) into space for a long time. This isn’t China we’re talking about here.
i mean, the are not north korean whose missile explode on almost every single launch attempt.
Fuck it, that’s not our problem. They’re a sovereign nation. Just as I have no moral right to come barging into your house because you’re beating your wife, the US government has no moral right to go barging into another sovereign government because they’re doing something they don’t like.
Yes, the US government blatantly ignores that fact. They don’t care if a country is sovereign - if it isn’t a democracy, or some form of government that benefits the US, then the US will simply overturn what exists there and install a government that is on our side.
Do people chose to ignore the fact that Assad is the legitimate ruler of the sovereign state of Syria?Islamist terrorists are attacking the sovereign legitimate government and we are backing the terrorists? The FSA and the rest of their terrorist kin are no better than ISIS, there are plenty of videos online of them…
It’s also illegal to leave your feet while making a tackle.
Worth mentioning, and something I always advocate for, is that in rugby, you have to at least make an attempt to wrap up on all tackles.