
Ever since she learned to stick and move from Bruno Mars' grandpappy, it's been all love.

I love this so damn much.

I don't want to watch this. I've been listening to Purple Rain all day. Let me keep my happy place.

I love this comment so much.

He made me eat 200 onion rings…

Bad shows don't die, they just multiply.

Damn. I'm old.


Did that just happen?

Okay, so I'm not crazy. I'm black and instantly I knew that was Janet and it was just not a thing to me at all that he cast a white woman, because everything about the scenario and her except her complexion screamed young Janet.

I know. Honestly, I was just hoping they'd move Skye away, and then maybe new showrunners come in and decide, time to pull the plug on Skye and wash our hands of season 1.

He's like Freddy Krueger. He just won't die.

I cackled.

So sad and so true. Now that Almost Human is cancelled, I really hope they somehow bring in Pinkner and Hyman to take over this show. Fringe-ify it and get some type of consistency in storytelling and direction.

Can't wait for this episode of Catch a Contractor.

Indeed. They were the best dramatic moments of the episode, and honestly could've been an entire episode. It's a shame one of them had to go, because they're both the best acting and characters of the main cast, but they do the same thing, which overlaps with what Skye does anyways…

I just wish kinda Fitz had stayed instead of Simmons.
Better acting, stronger character.

The black guy who could walk through walls got shot…and stayed dead.