Mr Ogny

The meta-irony is, of course, that as we fuck ourselves all into one race, the very people who should be celebrating it the most will be the ones pouting because they’ve put so much effort and vitriol into identity politics.

Half Latino here.

Maybe it’s just me, but the whole tone of this article felt like it was saying, “how dare she think he’s Latino! He’s Filipino! Duh!”

I’m not generally one to give someone a pass for saying something racially insensitive, but this is just stupid. Really. It’s stupid. Most people either A) don’t know who fucking Lou Diamond Phillips is, or B) think he’s Latino since he plays Latino characters in every fucking movie and TV show he’s ever been in. A

I’m American Indian and didn’t realize he had Native ancestors. I thought he was Latino, too.

Any time I see Lou Diamond Phillips, he’s playing a Latino character. I assumed he was Latino too. I don’t think it’s really fair to blame Tina Fey for not knowing he’s Filipino when he almost exclusively plays Latino characters...

The point of this article is a good one—it just seems sort of weird to direct the ire at Tina Fey who legit may have no idea what nationality Lou Diamond Phillips is (specifically for the reasons you listed), and also because Billy Eichner didn’t correct her/know either.

Understandable mistake when in his biggest role he played a Latino.

Filipino people aren’t Latino? Since when?

Totally. I mean, GOD FORBID someone take away this woman’s right to throw babies out the window.

I know. But you have to admit, it IS kind of fucked up that just anyone with functioning genitals can bring a baby into the world and it’s seriously fucked up that so many children grow up with parents who do more harm than good.

A fishing license doesn’t require any sort of competency/proficiency testing. A driver’s license might be a better comparison.

Agreed. You need a liscense to fish, hunt, drive a car, build a house, plan a wedding (professionally), cut hair (as a business), and practice law.

You know, I know I should have made this conclusion before, but it seems the female uterus really is the primary concern of Republicans. Because once the baby has exited said uterus, they don’t care what happens to it unless it ought to have stayed in the uterus longer.

I put the burden more on men, with reversible vasectomies. It’s an easier procedure and more safe. I don’t really think the government should be involved either, but if it saves a bunch of kids every year from this kinda crazy, or entire childhoods raised by shitty parents who shouldn’t have had kids, I wouldn’t be

Definitely. We should make sure undesirables like people in poverty and those with mental defects can’t just reproduce willy-nilly.

My wife has said the same thing several times after working as a labor and delivery nurse for the past 6 years. The people having babies are not usually the ones that “should”

If it were up to me (and I am a cynical bastard) I’d do forced vasectomies (reversible) for all male born babies. When they turn 18 they can apply for a license, pass a psych eval and pay like 2k to get a birthing license and get unfixed. And you have to renew it every year, like cars. Failure to renew means you can’t

Of course that’s what you do with a stillborn baby, just throw it out the window? No grieving, no ceremony/burial?

I'm just gonna say it, I think it's super weird you have to get a license to fish, but ANYBODY can just have a kid. I feel like you should have to take a test and then pay a fee to get licensed to have children. Don't know if it would solve all these kinds of problems, but at least maybe cut down on them.