I don’t dismiss them. That’s silly. Feminists dismiss those caught up in their dragnet of “rape culture” as unimportant. That loses many many possible allies, but have it your way.
I don’t dismiss them. That’s silly. Feminists dismiss those caught up in their dragnet of “rape culture” as unimportant. That loses many many possible allies, but have it your way.
Thank you! I’m married, but we could sneak. She has no use for rope....
That’s nice.
Nope, but I will continue to oppose any attempts at weakening the protections for the accused which feminists push, at places such as universities and in the law.
Then use yours to understand why ignoring the falsely accused isn’t working well for you.
Oh really. The rest was due to your dumbass comments while you weren’t getting the joke.
So you just want to give up and insult? Typical.
You’re still dancing. And you missed the joke.
Sorry son, you trying to deflect onto radios not existing in WWII is just another sign of your dance. I was asking you in one question how she was supposed to get the message out, which you have NEVER come forth with. Then I was asking you if you knew what year it was and the technology of the times. Obviously radio…
A jewish GF of mine referred to this as being a “social Jew”, which she was.
Heh, I just love how you want to make your widdle feets feel important by not actually arguing but by trying inanely to insult. Too bad you’re so silly.
Screw you and your troll whining. The fact is you refuse to think through your position.
Is the guy who made the barbed wire that kept the prisoners in complicit?
Sorry son, You just don’t want to accept what you said, and refuse to clarify it at all. Both your problems, not mine.
Whatsamatter? Wanna take your words back? I’ll let you.
Unless they can show she was actually involved in killing or abusing the prisoners or ordering that this be done, it’s a waste of time.
Nope. I’m asking you to not blithely dismiss the issue. It IS an issue, and until it is acknowledged as one you’re not going to get very far with convincing anyone else that “it’s too hard” to get a rapist convicted. This is the one thing that keeps me from the side of reforming laws on this issue - that that those…
Convince them of what? You wanting to hang people for funsies? You already said that.
Still dancing, dear. Keep at it.
Yep you did, and your simple dance doesn’t change that. Especially since you’ve failed to say what you meant if it wasn’t that.
And yet the lies still occur. And very rarely get penalized.