Jose honors Caitlyn by doing anything for a buck. Wants to remind the world that Caitlyn wasn't the first person without honor or integrity.
Jose honors Caitlyn by doing anything for a buck. Wants to remind the world that Caitlyn wasn't the first person without honor or integrity.
Maybe he already dresses like a woman in private and now he can do it in public. Maybe it’s a thing for him. Who knows!
So what’s it mean to be a woman? Do you know? I feel as though what it means to be a woman is rather subjective these days
One exception: keep their boy band fandom posts and tweets so they can cringe when they look back at them in their 30s. Just punishment for taking up valuable Twitter trends spots with their dumb hashtags.
This. The whole reason kids are warned to think about what they post online is because if it goes viral and ends up on a zillion sites, good luck ever getting it taken down. Happened to a friend of mine (who was well out of his teens by then, so really no excuse) but luckily the pic wasn’t linked with his name so it…
That’s not how the internet works! Are they saying they’re going to get every computer in the world which has a copy of something they posted when they were under 18 to remove that image? The internet has been around for 20+ years, why can’t people understand it yet?
By that logic pretty much no one who commits murder is in a sound state yet we still hold them responsible.
Normal people: God that’s awful! This woman may have been desperate, but had lots of options short of murdering her newborn baby and therefore deserves to face the legal consequences.
i find it hilarious how many people are on here trying to apologize or come up for excuses for this c*nt that killed her baby. she is a lowlife piece of sh*t end of story, and deserves to rot in jail for the rest of her life.
I’m fairly disgusted by all the responses that act like this is all society’s fault and the woman has no culpability here. I’m doubtful that the father would be getting the same pass.There are safe haven laws in all 50 states and they have been pretty well publicized.
Man, its really creepy how most of the people commenting here appear to feel more sorry for this psychopath than the little baby she murdered. “Oh no, poor girl, she had no choice but to put the baby down, because otherwise she would have had to see another person in order to give her away, OH THE HORROR, POOR GIRL”.…
Sorry, but no. No no no.
Listen commenters: When your first thought after reading a story about how a baby was asphyxiated in a bag are for the poor, struggling mother and not the baby who was horribly murdered, it is time to review your perspective. That is some seriously fucked up ideological blinkering going on.
She is a murderer (allegedly). I don’t think society failed her since it is completely obvious murder is wrong and any women’s issue argument doesn’t hold up at all. I’m sure the shame and stigma of murder is much worse than having an unwanted child, which isn’t shameful at all.
I’m sorry but I just can’t feel bad for girls like this. Even if she wasn’t formally spoken to or educated about what to do when you have a baby that you don’t want, she probably still knew that killing her baby wasn’t the way to go about it. She could’ve left the baby almost anywhere. Most schools are baby drop off…
Look, I went to a Catholic grade and high school before there was internet yet anything I wanted to know,I knew because there’s no school that doesn’t give you access to books, encyclopedias and/or the city library. Unless you’re in a sect that has no state curriculum you can’t be kept from what you want to know. This…
A murdered baby is totes better than an aborted fetus though. So glad she didn't get an abortion, because that would have been wrong. She definitely made the right decision to have the baby.
Funny how Spartans used to throw their unwanted children from a cliff. My, how the times have changed.