
Yeah, and Eric getting it because of his "devil-may-care attitude in his dealings". This stuff was originally engineered by the scientists working for Governor Arliss Howard last season, right? (I was drunk through most of last season. And this one.) I guess we know where this show stands on the whole

As Dexter slowly approaches him from behind?

Which is great, if you live in the United States.

Do you think that scene will be the last we hear from Kerwin? On the one hand, I hope not, but if so…what a great way to go out.

When it first aired it didn't even cross my mind that it wasn't a real rape. I thought he just put in the coffee for extra humiliation. After a year of reading other viewers who think it was only symbolic, I'm not sure anymore.

I've never listened to Neutral Milk Hotel. What was the reference?

Don't forget that for those of us who don't get Sundance, the wait for a torrent is particularly long on this show. I only just finished watching, and it's mid-afternoon on Friday.

What about for those of us who eschew social media in favour of sites like this one (and WHAT IS LEFT FOR US?

Don't forget (SPOILERS STILL)

We do know how Antwon's son got busted, right? Vic picked him up to put pressure on both Antwon and Shane.

He should take lessons from Damon Herriman.

I dunno, the "Life Group" dialogue struck me as a bit clunky and on-the-nose.

Dude who was uploading it went off to college where he doesn't get Sundance in HD, probably. I get the feeling the high-end online piracy scene revolves around about 20-30 people.

That's actually one of the things that bothers me about the ending. Surely in all his confession to Olivia, he must've thrown Aceveda seriously under the bus for any number of crimes (remember Vic knows about Aceveda, Juan, and Antwon). But Aceveda leaves the show as the presumptive mayor, not in a cell next to Ronnie.

The coffee bandit isn't the one who says he's sorry. That's the guy who stole $300 from the register when he found the unconscious clerk.

Yeah, Billings definitely improves on rewatches.

As a kid growing up in the US, I used to occasionally watch Due South, because we only had three channels. As an adult living in Canada, I watched The Shield. And yet it was only a year ago when a Due South rerun came on Bravo that I had the sudden and profound realization that Vecchio was Billings. It was one of

I only noticed because I've been checking obsessively once a week since The Americans wrapped up. And I still managed to get to the "The Cure" review nearly a week late.

So did we lose most of our commentariat with the season jump? "On Tilt" has 75 comments, and mine will make 12 for this week. That sucks.

It was like McGruder's ghost has been haunting the studio and suddenly possessed the writers for long enough to let out one final anguished scream.