
Ohhhhh yes. It's fantastic. 18 episodes over three seasons, so not too much of a commitment. It's rather emotionally taxing, though, and I mean that in the best possible way.

Holy shit about the Odo/Quark dynamic. It'd never occurred to me, because Neelix is so rage-inducing, but now it makes sense.

If the Season 4 finale had been "Open House".

To be honest, the Johnny plotlines have bored me to tears since Season 2. He's just not that compelling a character to me. In Season 1 he had better shading as the "(semi-)good Crowder", and his storyline ended perfectly with Bo putting a shell of buckshot into his gut.

According to Yost, they almost didn't do it because it had been done in Breaking Bad. I'm so glad they did it anyway.

I'm not so sure that was unintentional. It'd be in Raylan's character to just throw that out and hope some shit lands at Dewey's doorstep.

Ahh, but

This show is really going to the Durham County well, isn't it? The kids playing crime-scene, the hallucinating main character, the washed-out colour palette, the starkness of the environment…even quite a few shots that (almost certainly coincidentally) feel like direct homages.

Which is a very different accent from Kentucky. I don't have a big problem with Ava's accent, but I'll say the most impressively convincing Kentucky accents on the show have been: Mags (who's from Texas, but spent some time in Kentucky in college), Boyd (who's also from Georgia), and Dewey (Australia, of all places).

But we already know her name: Palmolive.

She doesn't. Better than her Arabic, though.