I agree...
I agree...
"Smells like Batman Forever."
So they all congregate at expensive stores and restaurants? So they are obnoxious, snotty, materialistic and may or made not be overweight. Surprised anybody?
@Mr. Mew: Commenting teamwork...
@Ninja Robot Pirate: Baaaallllliinnnnnnn'
Why can't they just up charge an existing plan like $10. I mean come on. I don't do contracts regardless, so just do an ETF for pre-payers and do a $10/month add on.
I'll wait for the wifi only version...and it better be like $100 less or Archos is looking better to me.
@Mr. Mew: Pic related to your comment.
She...is...AWSOME. Like she could roll with me listening to Dipset and still get respect at any age, from any age. I wish I had an aunt like her. [insert sad face emoticon here]
Why can't this happen to spiders? And Fire ants? Actually all ants? And roaches? And bad drivers...and people who who face time in public...oh oh and those annoying girls with upward inflections...and...
@monkunashi: Which I do...to impress my chic' hipstogeek friends...while they baste me in prasie by saying "Llllllllaaaammmmeeeeee."
SO the app is $1 and I need a $400 DSLR camera...and time...which I charge by the half hour...so in all it will cost me $412...
@shenanigans: Well maybe the iPad, considering it has the replaceable transmitter. I agree that a TMO iPhone is most probable.
I'm pretty sure one is going to TMO. It just makes sense considering that TMO and ATT are GSM, which is easier to manufacture than a CDMA version. The other may be a CDMA/GSM world phone or a chipset for Verizon/TMO iPad?
I find it hard to believe that WE are the most intelligent beings in the universe. I find it even hardly to understand how people can still think we are...
So to save "dozens" of lives, what will the impact be by artificially changing the earths weather patterns? What happens when 2 pop up? Or several consecutively? Humans need to realize that in the universe we have no control, outside of that of own own. So it is a waste of energy to place wack-a-mole with Mother…