The flu and World War I killed one in every 13 people on the planet in the second half of the nineteen-teens. The flu may have done most of that damage.
The flu and World War I killed one in every 13 people on the planet in the second half of the nineteen-teens. The flu may have done most of that damage.
I’d say you have to do what works for you, so if Dove works then use it. but my SIL used plain ol coconut oil on my baby nephew’s eczema and it helped, and she had tried a lot of products.
Hush, I loved her too. I meant Selena Gomez.
No, you can see the eclipse just fine without glasses, that is, of course, until you go blind.
Male here. I hope this isn’t construed as mansplaining.
The problem with Kid A being on here is that it suggests that Kid A is the worst Radiohead album, and I don’t think that’s actually a possible opinion for someone to have. If you think it’s too beepity-bloopity there are later albums you’ll hate more, and otherwise obviously Pablo Honey is the worst.
Okay, so you had a super fun bachelorette party and that is really wonderful for you. Honestly, I’m happy for you, that’s really awesome that you got to enjoy your day. But here’s the thing, not everyone likes the same things. I’ve been to bachelorette parties that have been completely ridiculous and over the top, and…
In the four years producer and director Shaleece Haas followed transgender teen Bennett as he grew into his identity…
This doesn’t address the spoofer/cheater problem, only worsens it.
Ooooh, wow. I didn’t know I should envy that, but I do now!
I have a very special place in my heart for this film.
Ya, we’re a Charmin Ultra Soft family now.. 3 squares and I’m good ;)
And Dr. Oz with his S-shaped shits
He thought the cold open sketch was “too mean”, not the sketch that nailed him. (I’m not sticking up for Spicer, who is a doofus, but he is forced to always defend the President against any challenge or criticism, because he took a job where he has to defend a dumb, senile old man.)
I felt bad for not doing everything right to begin with, I started second guessing myself and overthinking everything and beating myself up for not being a perfect lover, and pretty soon sexy time became sad awkward time.
Michelle Obama may be the best FLOTUS ever.