Mr Mybug

"I've never been so insulted in my life!"
Groucho, after looking at his watch "well, it's early yet"

Thanks for sharing. I kinda felt that way the first time I heard Jay speak on the Serial podcast. Obviously he was not the world's most perfect witness, but it just didn't feel like he was fabricating everything from the top down.

Yes yes yes! I was put off by a creepy feeling about the very same thing and I now feel validated and smug. Thank you

Fair enough, but what exactly is the podcast form and what is the particularly bothersome aspect of it?

I'm confused, how can you dislike a whole medium? It is like saying you don't like movies. Or books. Or conversation….

I'm 37 and I loved it - not because I saw it as romantic and fresh but it's unsentimental depiction of the cycle of false starts and awkward forays that precede real adult life. Totally could relate it to me in my 20s

Huh…. I wish I felt that way, it would make this year long agonising wait until the season starts again next year bearable…

I agree. The few times I have attended a team-based sporting event it just seemed sterile and artificial. I felt like the shouting mob around me inhabited some other reality, like that time I inadvertently went to a Dave Matthews Band concert