Here is a note Allie’s daughter brought home from her after school care, after she used the gravest insult of all:…
Here is a note Allie’s daughter brought home from her after school care, after she used the gravest insult of all:…
I was going to no longer respond to you because you are silly (sorry if that offends you). But I do need to responsd to this comment, as you yourself are possibly racist. I am absolutely not white by any stretch of the immagination. I know that in your world view that anyone who does not agree with your comments on…
Because Roxie is not who this movie is about. The writer was writing about Eggsy, and his journey. That was the writer’s choice. Should he, if he decides to write a story about an East Ender like Eggsy, NOT introduce a strong female, because if he does, you immediately think it now needs to be about her? I think it is…
But there was a woman physically kicking ass in that movie, it just wasn’t THAT woman.