Michael R

Those pictures refer specifically to ‘suicide bombers’ stereotype, and the ‘suicide’ part leads to statistical discrepancies along cultural lines. The ‘suicide’ part also makes the “mutual assured destruction” doctrine less effective - causing fear and further enforcement of the stereotypes as a way of coping with

I think you folks keep missing the point BlankIX made. Try re-reading their point replacing specific references to picture 4 (e.g. chicken) with references to picture 8.

Typically, companies are pro-business, anti-workers; unions are anti-business pro-workers; and workers themselves are pro-business pro-themselves. Which is why it’s always the shaky balance what is the workers’ best choice (and what we lefties should push for). If someone like Tom Ley is lacking mental ability to

It’s pretty interesting to read the virtue-signaling G4's tweet (and the comments here) a year later, after G4 has erased every records of Froskurinn’s rant.

Musk might be full of flaws but he also thinks like an engineer, and a good one. Which is why he’s so passionate about Mars - because having a single point of failure (Earth) for something critical (human conciousness) is a no-no in engineering. Sadly, I do not expect certain myopic, jealous haters in the comments

I actually like MS did this. The biggest problem with the political correctness culture is its disproportionate burden on the under-privileged (non-native speakers, immigrants who are already overwhelmed by all the new rules etc.). This feature will help them. Unlike the PC police, which uses every opportunity to

There are plenty of reasons to dislike the PC culture (or at least its extremes). Like, its suffocating elitism, for starters. Good job projecting your hate onto others.

Haha. Crypto is indeed is not going anywhere.... useful. It’s a solution looking for a problem. One of the major reasons people use credit cards is reverting the transaction if the provider did not deliver. Not with crypto. One of the main reasons people use USD is its predictable band of fluctuations. Not with

There were multiple narratives in what Dave said. One of them was the blatant elitism of identity politics. Another was the hypocriticy of some activists’ “listen to trans people (except the ones we’ve driven to suicide for disagreeing with us)“. But sure, let’s pretend that the people incapable of seeing anything but

Enjoy your strawman much? Dave never said that tg people should not have the same rights. Even JKR, who actualy is TERF-y, didn’t afaik.

Let me burst your bubble folks. I was born in the USSR where everything was deconstructed as classism, and only the jokes that were “ideologically correct” were allowed. Was that deconstruction correct? Yes, actually. Did this approach make things better? No. Because seeing what others do no see is one thing, and

I like how many people like to pretend that people who defend Dave have problems with the progressives deconstructing things... Which is not the case, of course. Using Dave as example, there are multiple way to deconstruct his TERF joke. One is - yes, him punching down. However, another way to deconstruct this is him

One of the reason Dave was criticizing cancel caulture is because this culture has driven his transgender friend Daphne to suicide. Who was not the first trans-person harrassed by transgender activists either, by far. Still like it?

The problem with cancel culture is its exclusionary toxicity that is based on misenterpreting what has been said. With this article also clearly strawmanning what Dave said. Good job being proud of it.

Should we also listen to transgender people who were harassed (and in case of Dave’s friend Daphne - driven to suicide) by transgender advocates for disagreeing with the claim that Dave’s jokes are transphobic? Or should we listen only to the trans people YOU agree with?

Truth hurts, doesn’t it? You think being a member of a marginalized group is hard? How’s about being a member of a marginalized group who’s accused of ‘betrayal’ and shunned by your own group? Lesser things have led people to commit suicide.

Dave Chappelle is not complaining about himself being cancelled. He is complaining about the cancel culture having driven his transgender friend to suicide for defending Dave. How many more people should die because of the cancel culture, for it not to be a “fraudulent” problem?

Stereotyping much?
Because this is quite a conclusion based on a single opinion. What’s your beef with Maher, anyway? Some questionable stereotypes he has, by any chance?

Stereotyping much? I mean - seriously, you do not see anything wrong in ascribing someone to be a part of a group based on them sharing a single opinion with it? What’s your beef with Bill anyway? Is it too many questionable stereotypes (which he has, no argument about that), by any chance?

>> Who the fuck is watching Bill Maher