you can opt out- just call them.
you can opt out- just call them.
A couple of weeks ago I called the yellow pages to cancel all future deliveries- they even came back to pick up the ones they had just dropped off (I was pleasantly shocked by the customer service).
I'm not a player baby, I just sweat a lot at night....
Looks like they copied iMeet
Can't most people can run faster than a tractor/farm vehicle and aren't they pretty loud? Seems like he was targeting a small deaf/blind community in idaho....
Not really enough room for me to slide underneath to look up at a girl's bottom, but ok I guess...
What is the point of this article? The last two paragraphs basically cancel out any relevancy of the idea.
Didn't quite knock his socks off....
Good time to invest in an ipad screen protector....
"Jester's dead. Yee Haw!!!"
Finally white is thicker than black!
Good point. Living in sf, people rarely pay attention to actual driveways, so I'm guessing these people are screwed. Maybe they have a red curb painted in front, but as cool as it is- its a bad idea.
you mean shabbat? It is Friday after all...
If god didn't want us to eat animals then why did he make them out of meat?
So the McRib is vegan since it has no bones?
Am I the only one that was underwhelmed by this?
I'm waiting for Whole Foods to open a 2-mile long store with one aisle...
I have no idea, but they love ikea- remember the thing about the cats?