
From the office of no fucking shit. C'mon Gizmodo, you are better than this.

spell check?

Conde Nast falls for nasty con!

Pretty much loses all credibility when it opens with a cosmo. Although, there may be some 19 year-old girls who get excited about that.

Steve Jobs hates buttons. Even Benjamin Button.

@joyceman: most bars close at 2am (I know, its still not NYC)

I love the one lone tourist dot on Pier 39... so sad.

yes, that looks much easier than typing 4 numbers...

@deepseadawn: totally. Its also nowhere to be found on Comcast (either through general cable channels or on-demand).

I mean, do you really need a forecast for Cloud City? I mean, it's fucking cloudy all the time- right?

Step into my office... cause you're fucking fired.

they couldn't get harrison ford's voice? WTF?

he did a pretty good job of typing with one hand


T-minus 2 weeks until someone figures out a way to add a vibrator to the mix.

regardless if that picture is real or not, watch Food Inc. or read Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food. Either will change your perspective on fast food (if you can technically call it "food").

Gizmodo is broken #2

gizmodo is broken #1