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    I could see her dying. I admit it would be a stretch but one could make an argument that the Saul we see in BB is what Lalo called “The Cockroach, the born survivor.” He’s maybe a bit too fun for that, but maybe she did die and he’s just a shell left at that point.

    Pfft. That wants it to help people the same way Walter White did it “for his family”. It’s a lie she tells herself.

    I’m on team Howard. Howard is a nice guy, he legitimately cares. Yes he sees things through an ivory tower worldview, but we get enough hints of his backstory that you can understand. Howard this season has done nothing but try to do the right thing. We can argue if it’s out of vanity. We can point out how big his

    Fair point. I guess I just mean it deflated the shootout a bit.

    If he had told her I’m not sure she wouldn’t have said something that would’ve proved much worse. If Jimmy told Kim everything there’s no saying Kim wouldn’t have ratted out Mike to save Jimmy.

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say I blame Nacho. But yes he is somebody who you can’t trust to work under you.

    Bolsa communicated to Gus that he can tell Lalo has been the one disrupting Gus’s businesses, and Bolsa values Gus as an earner.

    That 3 powerful men might respect somebody for standing up to them isn’t that implausible. There is a personality type that respects that. Though this episode did make me worried that it was going to have Kim believe this tactic always works only to have it end tragically this time.

    It did stand out a bit. I wonder if you are right.

    I think that’s why he doesn’t answer the phone later. He knew that moment was the moment was his chance. And he didn’t want to remain silent anymore. He’s no longer conflicted by shame or pride with honesty to her, just legitimate fear that telling her is not safe.

    We get from the scene that Bolsa thinks Gus’s “bad luck” is too suspiciously timed with Lalo’s arrival. That Bolsa sees Gus as a good stable earner and sees Lalo as somebody disruptive. So Bolsa was happy for Lalo to stay in prison. It’s only during the exchange that Bolsa realizes maybe Gus wanted Lalo out of prison

    Yep, totally what I thought.

    He also just had a long ass drive to sit and think. He’s a good enough judge of Saul to tell when Saul might be lying. Saul was too shook to fully sell the lie. I will say Lalo has good intuitions but he is far from the basic cartel thug. He was raised in part my mister cartel Hector, and has been doing this his whole

    Because Mike is god and he watches over all of us.

    If the skateboarders had went after the next guy it actually leads to the Walking Dead universe, so we lucked out all things considered.

    “We’re all Tio in a birthday hat these days.”

    I think that’s the version of what his character was doing that is ok to tell fans now. I think a second part of him knew his own house wasn’t in order.

    I think it was more that Skyler was constantly in the way of Walt and Jesse getting to the proverbial “fireworks factory”, not that any viewers thought she was morally inferior.

    Was Jesse ever arrested for marajuana?

    Unless Kim does die, and so what we see in BB is all that is left, Saul Goodman, the “born survivor cockroach”.