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    I was meaning he was doubting the narrative he lived in the world that he was vastly superior to everybody. He cultivated a flawless persona but he was a flawed man, and that cognitive dissonance is the thing that ate him from inside. I'm not saying he thought Jimmy was actually better than him, or that anybody was I

    I'm not saying it's not any of these things, just that among Coen films there are ones I feel give you even less closure.

    "I'm going to need a location and an item"
    "Courtroom!" "Pineapple!"
    "Did you eva' hear tha storee of the lawya and tha pineabble?"
    "A widow accused the murderer of bashin' her husband's head in with a pineapple, and the defense argued that the wife was clearly lying because her husband, the victim's, head had 12 ridges

    Ray Wise gave unclear instructions. As a cosmic force type character it's weird when his advice has so little pay-off.

    That's definitely what it reminded me of.

    'No Country" isn't even the most ambiguous Coen's film ending: Old people get tired of fighting people with no moral compass, Shugur kills wife of guy because he promised he would, random chance car crashes poses more of a threat to Shugur than all the good guys did, all that's left is for the old people to retire and

    That UFO ruined that season. I so hated it.

    This is a show with a bullshit UFO. Let's pick our battles.

    Maybe they were all billed based on their ranking in the BBT narrated musical piece. Wasn't he the wolf?

    While I agree that it was a long time to "wait", I'll allow for the possibility that Wrench changed his mind. We've seen these characters considerably change over just a few months, it stands to reason that Wrench could've had many events happen to him over 5 years that got him to a point where he changed his mind and

    Part of me wonders what if this show isn't an anthology it's just not until season 5 or something we see how all these narratives tie directly together to form one big one.

    Disagree there, the theoretical point of college discussion on books is to discuss the books and their meaning and merit. Are you just posting that from a place to cynicism and contempt for the idea of college book discussion or do you legitimately think that kind of critical analysis of merit and value is not

    Generally those who will aggressively intelligence shame others without really listening or allowing for the possibility that they are wrong are people who's opinions you don't have to value all that much. I get it, sometimes it's more pleasant to be "right" than it is to challenge the group accepted reading.

    This season was way better than season 2 because it didn't have a ufo that ruined the whole narrative universe. The bowling alley could've happened in a place similar to reality or it could've been an visualization of a semi hallucination that Nikki and hunter guy had from being so injured and stuff, you can't get

    It's a bit of a "it's not a bug, it's a feature!" pitch. This season seemed to really be building towards a victory for truth, so that it pulled that final punch seems clumsy rather than clever. I'm fine with Coen stuff being largely unsatifying but this season seemed to be a opposition piece to the perceived nihlism

    I do wonder what would happen if the Coen's really really tried to make a fully satisfying movie, but that's a different story.

    The cat, is it alive or dead? ALIVE OR DEAD?

    It's also worth noting that the saturation went near black and white as the episode progressed with the clear exception being Gloria's blue uniform.

    For those who didn't catch it the episode title is "Somebody to Love" the centerpiece song of the movie "A Serious Man" all about potential stupidity in the quest for meaning in life. That movie prominently opens with a camera that comes out of a walkman, this season of this show started with a camera flying out of a

    The fake grenade was yet another play on truth vs perceived truth. And how much power perceived truth has.