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    Blup blup blup blup blup blup blup!

    I believe when Al does them they are considered "Parodies" :P

    Yeah I agree, laughing when they are kinda trying not to is funny, Jimmy Falloning isn't

    Oddly I did not like them much on the podcast but I liked them here, I think it was the LI cracking up that made it work. Their humor is better with a PFT or somebody else who laughs out loud type nearby.

    "I’m on record as hating to see performers break during a skit" Totally disagree with CBB. On the podcast you hear laughs a lot, here with the editing it's almost as if they try to insist this ISN'T FUNNY.

    I know what you mean, but with 10 episode seasons I just wanted a little bit more narrative pop, sometimes BCS is Lucille Bluth, it's like it gets off on being withholding.

    I really doubt that. The show is not afraid of occasional coincidences.

    I've ordered it in 12 packs from california before. Expensive but I like the taste.

    He thinks of his brother first with compassion, also we really haven't seen Jimmy GET conned much. So even though he's a good liar he may still be too trusting himself for his own good.

    It didn't put his career in jeopardy though. His own refusal to ever be wrong is what put him in trouble, even though Jimmy faked Chuck's documents doesn't mean that Chuck couldn't have collaborated or reach out to somebody else. It's not Jimmy's trick alone that got Chuck but Chuck's hubris as well.

    Is it? I thought almost everywhere it was just required to have a single parties consent but if that is true that would be interesting.

    It works a bit more when your remember how Mike wanted to leave 0 trail back to himself because of what just happened a few episodes ago.

    It was sloppy by Mike standards, I plays into the theme of actions and unintended consequences I guess.

    Also playing a character ALMOST convincingly enough to fool Kim but with that slight hint of guilt and showmanship that tips his hand that Chuck really is right about his accusation.

    That moment last week when Howard dropped the facade when talking about listening to his father's wishes made me switch to team Howard. He is a tool, but also a victim because this wasn't the life he chose or even the personality he chose, he was pushed to become a Howard, the real him is much more sympathetic but you

    I feel like Jimmy could have sprung into action and called the police then explained that he had been following Chuck because he was worried about him. He's a good enough liar to find a way to call for help without ruining everything.

    I can't help but feel like Kim would've been more fooled with Jimmy not there, but at the same time Chuck might have been more calculated and less emotional with Jimmy there getting Kim to concede the possibility and then damming Chuck with it later.

    Haven't read all the comments but a quick shout out to the guy at the 24 copy place being dismissive towards the question of the "Best Copier". That was a funny and real moment.


    I think recognitions must be a troll account.