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    And just not having friends that text spoilers for no reason.

    Bronn/Tyrion was a better friendship, but yes I too liked the scene and their friendship.

    I've got to imagine the punchline to a joke about honey, a donkey, and a brothel involves the words "Sweet Ass"

    I thought the dragon was going to be doing that but nope apparently he was just a taxi dragon.

    He didn't want his baby catapulted.

    I wish my memory was good enough to just forget their relationship for a split second. I had to google that to see where Pod and Bronn knew each other from. I felt like an idiot when I realized Pod was around Tyrion a lot.

    "Hold the Oar! HOLD THE OAR!"

    It is frequently close to this slow but I do think it is a somewhat slower season overall.

    I felt like Cersei specifically made mention of Danys or the dragons or something going on in the east a few episodes back. I thought the rumors were about that maybe?

    And I disagree with the reviewer, that scene was nice. I like it when characters have a fondness for each other. Poor Tyrion, he keeps trading down when it comes to friends. First he was with Bronn (God tier buddy), then he lost his boat buddy, and now Varys is out. Who is he left with? Unsullied 1 and translator

    She learned all that stick stuff and um… how to be a little better at being sneaky…?

    It was ok as a plot arc, but it did also feel like "well we don't want to kill off her character, but we don't have tons to do with her right now" so a bit of treading water feeling.

    I don't know how you film her killing the Waif when the only reason she won was because she used her skills from being blind to win a fight in total darkness.

    He spent a lot of time chopping wood. Sometimes killers just like to become lumberjacks.

    I generally don't consider a correction to be harassment. Food for thought.

    Something about a cold open being so rare on a show makes it seem super awesome. Maybe it was just the "oh snap" moment of seeing the hound and then hearing the music swell to the intro music.

    Him getting killed off right away was a McShame though.

    Exactly what I thought. She never seemed emotionless about the whole thing.

    Wrong episode comments section, I'd delete this so as to not spoil it for anybody.

    Didn't Jon Snow have a Valeyrian sword that a WW just destroyed? I thought somebody's badass sword got wrecked in that one fight on the shore, am I remembering that wrong?