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    It was really dumb for tree man to not say "Look kid, if you do this memory/time shit with me you can semi-interact with the past, and doing so could be very bad for you and everybody you care about." but instead he acted like somebody saying "you shouldn't have too many cookies to a 5 year old".

    There was a genuine kindness to his Hodor form that seemed to be willfully helping. Yes he was kinda cursed by fate, but for most of his Hodor life he lived with an innocent kindness that just didn't ring too "mind raped-y" to me.

    When I read the title about "men something something" I thought "I swear to god if this person goes on a gender rant when they should be reviewing a very emotional/powerful episode of tv I'll be pissed" fortunately they did not. I guess I get nervous about stuff like that with some folks at the AVClub.

    This religion is great! It will make you super powerful and let you do whatever you want and be whoever you want, the only requirement is you vow to not want to do or be anything.

    Michael Bluth: "I don't know what I was expecting"

    I agree, but at the same time I agree with " And why is Varys so skeptical of Kinvara? He knows how to be obsequious better than anyone, but he’s putting his foot down here?"

    I was about as successful at holding my tears as Hodor was at holding the door. It worked for a little bit but eventually some were breaking through. I don't know why but a normal life turning tragic and "doomed" was crazy powerful for me.

    Your life will be better if you don't take a disagreement so personally, just a tip.

    I guess I was operating under the apparently false assumption that you didn't want to come across as an asshole, my bad. I guess you are fine being how you are about something trivial and debatable like last name pluralization in relatively casual writing.

    Right, I googled it when I realized something was fake. I'm kinda ashamed that in my Trek nerdiness I didn't catch it right away, but it's been a long time since I watched TNG.

    You are allowed to, I disagreed with your stance and said why I did and you didn't handle the disagreement well at all, simple as that.

    Klingon? Esperanto? Pig-Latin?


    GoT new tagline: "Winter is coming… eventually"

    "I was in the pool! I was in the pool!"

    Since when is my response (35 words) the length of a lecture? Also you'll note it contains "I always feel like". That should be a pretty clear indicator not to get all worked up like you did: "what on earth are you talking about?" "It IS about right/wrong" etc…

    I really wish Varys would've made a dwarf joke after he claimed not to, I love their chemistry.

    I know when I got to that page in the bible I was like "who wrote this crap? So contrived! And just when I was getting into the story too!"

    One thing I'm unclear on:
    Isn't this the first season where the show is AHEAD of the books? Meaning that what happens now hasn't happened in any book (yet at least). I thought I heard that but I don't want to google it and find loads of spoilers.

    Who among us hasn't woken up naked on a table next to a direwolf with loads of scars and no memory of what happened the night before?