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    Zeljko Ivanek is the Batman we deserve.

    Good point.

    When it comes to Kate, I was never a big fan.

    24 wasn't all characters like that, Bill Buchanan came in, always looked like a stiff bureaucrat but then ended up just letting Jack do whatever he wanted.

    IMO He was keeping her there in case he needed her for something and then he decided he didn't. Also for plot/audience reasons.

    She just needs to convince Larrick to drink some "Apple Pie".

    I have to admit I've confused him with Michael Kelly of House of Cards.

    Matthew Beeman spends a lot of time hanging out with Chris Brody of Homeland.

    Really there have been so few female senators that there are only a couple that it could be. If we discount women who were senators for just a very short time after their senator husbands died there were only 2 female senators during all of the 1970s: Margaret Chase Smith and Nancy Kassebaum. Trouble is Margaret

    Sure showing the full 4 minutes would be unnecessary but I feel like there could be a way to edit or direct it to keep the realism without wasting the time. Cut away and cut back? Put your commercial break there? Do a more stylish shot that show the passage of time. Idk. I get it, but at the same time I think there is

    Right, but presumably the logic of it should matter. It's a fairly realistic show, so I don't know if "she would die in less than a minute simply because that's convenient from a storytelling perspective" is the best answer.

    I allow for the possibility that they do a flashback episode where he was in deep cover and we see the moment his emotional side crawled up inside him and we finally "get" him. I allow for this possibility but I don't expect it at all. But I guess that I believe there could be a reason for him to be like this is a

    The emotion is presented from like a 3rd person perspective, whereas a lot of tv/movies will try through direction to put us in the emotional headspace of the various characters. I'm not saying this show is even necessarily inferior, I just think there is a logical reason people call it "cold and emotionless" and that

    I'm watching this series like 2 years delayed so it's too late to start this as a fan meme, but let's just say I really hope that "You respect X but NOT US?!?!" became a running joke of the comments section.

    I would super respect a show to have the balls to drift from a historical drama to an alternate history. Think of the impact of a show we presume to be inspired by real history to make a decisive turn into a fictional universe where like Reagan died or something. Something like that would piss off 95% of the audience,

    I have a couple problems:
    1. They were damn glib about the "98% effective". I know they are used to taking risks, but a 1 in 50 chance of a likely fatal heart attack seems pretty severe to me. I trust she held her breath or something else to make it safer but still I don't like when people on TV/Film act like 90+% is

    What did Gaad do. Everybody seems to not like him but to me he seems likable, was there stuff from last season I'm forgetting about?

    I wish he'd "crack" more in his performance. I believe he has lots of stuff under the surface, Noah does that well, but that he does seem to act out of those feelings but never actually show the feelings bothers me a bit. (Car door notwithstanding. )

    Well said. This seems to take an emotional toll on him, like he said, it's easier for his wife.

    "Oh lord, why do people always punch me in the face."