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    I really wish Dexter swerved into the crash in it's final seasons. It was so terrible but it refused to accept it's terribleness which just made it so much less fun.

    I like your comments, don't talk about previews pls tho. Also the pharmacy was fully stocked because didn't you see how many times he had to crowbar the pharmacy window thing? That was like 12 seconds dedicated to "this is hard to crowbar" which means of course it's not raided, also apparently pharmacies just have

    I'll take a Rick speech over a Diane speech any day. Also probably would take a Rick speech over a Eugene/Abraham conversation just because it would be intelligible.

    That's not even artsy, that's just weird.
    "Hey, have we every used the starburst scene transition?"
    "The one that sucks and looks weird? No"
    "Ok, we have now"

    But it startled you! And startling and bullets = teh awesum.

    The whole thing was a mess, a big part of it a boring weird mess then the rest an abrupt confusing mess.

    I think people know it's not sincere "badass" when they say that. This show sometimes lends itself to a different tone of critique than the show itself possesses.

    Go back and watch her with the wolves. She has been comfortable at being the pragmatic killer.

    She was still being really really really needlessly stupid. As if playing around with flesh eating zombies is akin to staying out past curfew when you are young.

    But the change came out of nowhere this episode. She wasn't shaken, she WAS shaken, then she sat around and smoked for a while, then other people had adventures, then she made a major life decision.

    Can I see the pages of decent dialogue she had? All I have is her dumbass speech about how life is about taking needless stupid life endangering risks, and about how other people are stupid when they don't realize the character traits they poses that she likes. Also something something her brother something something

    It was unexpected but not in a way I felt rewarding. It felt like a teacher banging a desk if you are nodding off in class.

    I thought her faith was a ploy to get sympathy from the captors.

    I can't think of a story that makes any sense where he gets melted metal on his head in a seemingly undisturbed metal factory place. Do you think the writers even tried to come up with an excuse or just thought "here's a novel way to make a walker harder to kill."?

    I will agree this episode was full of holes but will disagree that it's the status quo. This episode was a mess all around, it felt like the director and script writer hated each other so each made weird choices to spite the other, or something, it just felt like a mess. Last week had much more organic Carol character

    Except for when you go back and watch the episode where he reveals he lied about the cure. In the flashback you see him go from normal to "putting on the act", how his autism act became his normal I don't understand. Nor do I understand why neither of them even try to sound normal.

    They are just willfully being obtuse in communication at this point.

    This review should be titled: "The writers and directors of TWD take meth and make a nonsense episode." This episode was such a mess from the plot to the dialog to the wtf is going on anywhere. I hate when somebody gives an episode like this a B+ and then the previous one a B because this one was clearly a complete

    It didn't help that they brought Admiral Ackbar along.

    If that metaphor is about sex like I think it is then I am really confused. Why is going into rain? Isn't he the instrument of rain/Bisquick?