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    Despite everything he comes across as huggable.

    It's interesting how the reviewer at no point for a second considered that Carrie had killed Quinn or that Quinn had killed Carrie. The reviewer doesn't even talk about the ending. I wonder if the show runners thought anybody might half believe that and be blown away by the episode.

    I liked her turn at sexual manipulation. It was so patently obvious and yet if I were in good guy Greg's shoes I it might be hard to turn down. She is a pretty lady, after all.

    I always post comments not right away but when I get around to seeing the episode. So don't fret about "being late".

    We don't know it's Carrie.

    "The new Berlin-centric opening credits are as weird and disorienting as Homeland’s credits always have been. But this sequence seems super-spoilery for some reason. I feel like it’s showing me way more than I need to be seeing this early on."

    Unless he snapped her neck. (Which he clearly didn't) it takes like 5 minutes without oxygen before you suffer permanent brain damage.

    Every time the AVClub reviewer praises "The Flash" I get very very confused.

    Where are the next discussions? I'm curious what you guys think about the events of the final episodes.

    Mediocre job, Internet!

    I'd much rather lose a interesting (but trying a bit too hard) character like Jerome than have a show where everything is super predictable. With Jerome dying and Barbara being so evil that she can never possibly turn into future Mrs. Gordon the show is now putting me in a place where I don't know where it's going

    Unless you aren't blown up or shot in the head, you aren't dead IMO. (on a show like Gotham)

    I can wrap my head around Barbara going "ok, kinky sex room" because of the chains and whips and stuff, it's their first date and he shows her the kinky sex room, I think she's crazy to be ok with it, but whatever I can almost buy the stupidity because it's Gotham…

    Anybody else a bit bothered by the misleading timeline?
    2 episodes earlier we were made to believe the call to the Gerherdts happens before Mike kills the undertaker and then receives the call from Ed, but clearly the call from Ed to Mike happens much sooner because after the call from Ed to Mike Ed goes back home has

    Baby, he's got a stew going.

    I definitely liked the whole season. If there is one criticism you can give to most Coen brothers films it is "unsatisfying" and to the creator's credit this show ended on that same sort of strangely compelling fizzle too.

    Look, AVClub reviewer, you can like all of Fargo without pretending like the UFO makes perfect thematic sense. It is still very very very very very weird. It's just shy of some of our characters picking up superpowers for no reason. I think I'd be much better with it if the Unidentified Flying Object was considerably

    "As amusing as Jeffrey Donovan’s psychotic caveman routine has been, if anyone needed a bullet to the head, it was Dodd."

    How's that?

    Really gotta give credit to Nick Offerman, he isn't playing Ron Swanson but he is really playing to his strengths.