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    I like how they convincingly wrote a boring character out of the show and then they decided "actually let's keep him around and make him fun/interesting instead" I don't know where this guy was in earlier episodes, but I'm happy he's here. Keep up the good work, Agent One-Liner.

    As much as I gave you a hard time for your last episode review, I really applaud this review. Totally on point and articulating well the things that make this show worth checking out.

    Back on the actual show: I enjoy it a lot, it's trying a lot of new and refreshing ideas. It is a bit cringey to watch a guy who is just immoral enough that it totally works out against him. If he were more evil or less evil he'd have a good time but his moral conflict is what screws him over.

    Hey let me get to my episode review, but first a few paragraphs on social norms and how a show should be representing race and gender.

    I may be super late to figuring this out, but I'm just now realizing the lead character of a show created by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller is named Phil Miller.

    It is interesting how harshly the reviewer is judging this show. Not that it's wrong, but most cliche sitcoms get away with being cliche sitcoms, but it seems like this one (because it started out as so transcendent) has to continue to be ground breaking lest it want some C's.

    I assumed the metal liquid thing was the bad guy from that super early episode (like episode 3?). When the episode aired people talked about his Marvel name so I assumed he'd come back.

    I can't think of a moment of TV I've laughed more at than January Jones's "No" to Phil's "Is there any chance that you'd feel the same way about me?".

    Best line of the episode:

    Sorry, but I feel like most people know this. Frankie's actress (Paget Brewster) was also in an earlier episode of Community as somebody else.

    Then show me the math of the perfect redistribution to combat institutionalized bigotry. If there was some arithmetic to it, if it wasn't haphazard then maybe I'd be on board, but it doesn't have foresight, it doesn't have a plan, it's just "boo the perceived prevailing institutions, yay all the alternatives"

    Please don't strawman me like that last sentence.

    By anticipating institutionalized discrimination you are re-enforcing it. You are making it the status quo by insisting it is the status quo. How about we don't focus on hiring based on race and gender but instead focus on not hiring based on race and gender. You don't get equality by insisting on differentiating

    I guess I just have more faith in society. People should do the right thing and just act based on talent and not race or gender. Good women writers are just "good writers" good black writers are just "good writers", hanging on to labels and making a point out of gender/racial differences by design goes against

    It's still a pretty dumb show though, it's a fun place to visit, but when one of the smartest characters on the show is Skye's mom, and she's so damn wish-washy about keeping around or exiling sociopath husband it makes it difficult to feel super grounded.

    The reviewer caught the 2 best lines of the episode:

    So why are you letting the bad/intolerant people define the global point of view? Don't empower bigoted people and instead treat all people as equals. When you do it the other way you are pretty much saying "Well, keeping in mind that the bigots have won…" before every sentence which is a self fulfilling prophecy.

    I assume there are tons of reasons for leaving. But you are right, Todd was the man, and I just want my good reviewers to all stick to the AVClub to make my life simple, even if it isn't the most practical solution.

    Nevermind, found out: Abed said he got help writing dialog from a former cop, Chang can be heard saying "I'm going to punch you in the heart" which is something Hickey (former cop) says in S05E10

    Forgot to mention: As somebody who has had to watch many youtube video tutorials the smug/slow/15-year-old tone of that video reader was great.