
I don't care that I know better. #31 will always be "too many hats" to me.

Coincidentally, it's an anagram for Nutured Ads. So I guess the answer is naturally "more ads".

The answer is naturally b. For most questions like this it feels like the submitter's intent was to get permission to cheat / divorce / be interested in some kink, rather than trying to mine something new from Dan.

To her credit, I guess, it worked. I didn't know who either of them were until I started seeing them in headlines here. I'm going to forget them by tomorrow, but for today there was a moment of recognition.

I bet they handle like shit in the snow though.

Nice composition. I had similar when I played through EE. I think I left Khalid to be petrified out of the party and added Khalid though.

Who do you have in your BG party so far? And any intents to change them? (I've always found I'm more fluid with my party in BG1 than BG2)

In a way it depends on what you're looking for. If you want to power through games like those (never use a guide) and get the original experience, then that's a thing. If you want to see the games themselves, then you could probably find LPs of those games on Youtube.

Very practical. Good for you. I know around here Honda Civics will drop to great lease payments around December / January when the new model year typically comes out. Worth considering if you're able to wait it out.

It actually doesn't have much content. It's one of those games that survives off of its achievements. There are the obvious ones that you'll run into like "Clean the bathroom" or "Clean the kitchen", but really the only reason to play it is to get the last achievement "get all of your security deposit back".

What type of car are you looking at? New / Used? If new, purchase or lease?

We're playing Apply for Jobs and Clean the apartment this weekend. I put in my two weeks notice earlier this week. Even though I don't have a job solidified after my move, it feels so good to finally exit that place (my soon-to-be former employer).

"We here at DC really feel that our new re-imagining of Wonder Woman better aligns with her original concept and intention. She also, incidentally, better aligns with a 13 year old's wet dreams and is more of a stripper than a superhero."
-David Goyer

It is a handwave of sorts, and I was sarcastic, but I think I'm still justified.

He's so fat, he carries more fat cells around his midsection and thighs compared to an average male of his age and height!

We could do a lot of things if I didn't drink so much.

I've found that as I've gotten gray hairs on top, I've been changing to red hair from facial hair and lower. Unfortunately a good search tells me that "Red Owl Meats" already exists.

No, I don't.

Somewhere there's a conversation Taystee has with Poussey where she justifies it along the lines of getting paid. That's where I get stuck on; it's a justification outside of pressure from Vee and shows she isn't opposed to what she's doing.

I agree with all of that. My issue comes from Taystee helping Vee and justifying Vee's racket, even though Taystee knows it's dangerous to work with her.