
Strife! Such a great game!

The campaign continues in Crusader Kings II.

I will continue Crusader Kings 2!

The Scandinavian wars of aggression have come to a brief pause in Crusader Kings II.

I still never have. Honestly I've been very spotty in my playthroughs so far. I often started a game and became bored or frustrated. I would set the game aside for a couple days that then turned into months, coming back to it after a new expansion. For better or worse, that has often led to it feeling like a brand new

The world conquest continues in Crusader Kings II!


A lot of these came from the most recent DLC (The Reaper's Due). Rather than just "ill" or "maimed" there are actual physical ailments and specific diseases. Also cats.

The world conquest in Crusader Kings 2 continues!

I will continue Crusader Kings 2 (with the new Reaper's Due expansion).

I had basically the exact same experience with my Irish world conquest game.

It is a very intimidating game in that regard. The number of mechanics going on in the game have definitely been a factor in preventing me from continuing the game. I believe there was thread that started a long while back in the Gameological Society that had some advice for starting the game. I'm sure some of it is

The state fair is begun! I will likely take a meander through that this weekend, or maybe just the coming week after.

Pillars of Eternity - I really want to like this game. As you said it's pretty unremarkable. I'm fairly certain I've spent more time recreating characters than actually playing. Now I'm on a decent run and I'm going to try to push through with it, and see if later game gets more interesting.

Honestly, another pun thread would simply be a catastrophe.

What if we just change the titles of positions to better fit the fantasy guidelines?

"Hey Nico, it's your cousin! Want to walk down to what used to be the race track and shoot some giant mutated ants?"

A melee dark side character was actually quite interesting. This is a character for after a few wins, because it's weird and loses out on a lot of abilities, but I've ran a heavy armor wearing melee dark side. Force choke is still usable at its second level I believe, and then you get to use the fancy heavy armor

I will be playing Guild of Dungeoneering which I picked up the other day. I've actually had a lo of fun with it, but it almost seems like dungeons are too short in some cases. Early in the first section there are a lot of "kill three enemies" quests, which is basically 3 turns, and at the end of that section there

"Dark Souls is one of the few series with zero sexualization of anything."