
"Nepotism got him in and once you're in, you're in."
Explains J.J. Abrams.

He also blames everyone in the production of these movies for screwing with his scripts. He just won't be admit that he can make a mistake, or write something bad. It's the fault of everyone else.

Sorry, but either you've never read Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, or the sequel Long Dark Teatime of the Soul, or you read them and it went over your head. In no possible dimension was Dirk Gently written as a con man. Adams wrote him with a very distinct philosophy, which had nothing to do with conning

I guess I'm interpreting the cliched treatment of the female characters as misogynistic. That they are sex toys to be won by the men in some childish, high-school competition. And Kara is treated so bad by Chip while they show her (awesome) tits. And there doesn't seem to be any depth to their characters. They are

First time commentator, long time reader of reviews and comments. I can
sit in silence no longer. Do you see everything through the gender
tinted glasses? Yes this show is vapid, boring and cliched. So, by
god, why don't you critique all of its flaws? The shallowness and
misogynistic treatment of the female