
Yeah this story is EVERYWHERE in the news, they guy was found. He actually owns a tree chopper (explains why he had a chainsaw handy) and was just arrested. Zero previous issues with cops... idiot.

I happen to own a 15 fiesta with that interrior. It’s really not that bad. you wont even stare at 75% of those buttons anyways. Most what you need is on the wheel anyways.

Loved mine on my sunfire. So freakin simple!

Techno Pink. I atleast appreciate car makers that gives us actual colors as oposed to 49 different shades of grey =.=

It’s actually not a bad looking color.

That’s kinda of like saying herpes is better then chlamydia.

I remember when this pic was new... and no unfortunetly, it’s not a joke

OMG I am in love! O_O

OMG this thing is so freakin cute. Is that a micra or a mazda of some sort?

Oh GOD how I remember this shit... He keeps insisting he can do other things than drive but clearly he cant... Hell, the album dint even sell 1000 copies and the whole thing was swept under a rug... He even has his own restaurant on the island of Montreal that he called ''Newtown''

the 4wheel drive version of the Juke :(

Impossible to name just 1.

Jim... what have they done to you...

Video games, bar none. My dad was sorta into cars? Fresh out of high School he got a spankin new 2 door Parisienne. Fast forward a few years the last car he owned was a 96 Grand am.... ish...

So it started out with me, funny enough, Top Gear 3000 and then, revelation, Gran Turismo.

Marty's dad's car!

Yeah ok... sure... I believe that underneath the ''shell'' is a Passat...

Sweet baby jesus, this thing is badass!

Best use of that Gif in the history of ever.


1200$? That is awesome!